XIII. Adapt

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The weather was nice when Veronika landed in Seoul along with Jeonghan's parents, her parents decided to send her off with them as it will be her first time there. Veronika never had the chance to go to Seoul on business expeditions, the only times she went to Asia was when she had to attend an event in India and some in Thailand.

Veronika was someone who was not a fan of travelling, hence she was always in favour of managing the business from Italy but travelling was inevitable in her field.

"How do you feel Elaine?" Mr Yoon asks concerned.

"A little dizzy to be honest but that'll go away once I rest well Uncle, no need to worry" Veronika answers gently smiling.

"We'll get home fast dear, you can take all the rest you want, Jeonghan will only come home by evening. You know how it is." Mrs Yoon states indicating Jeonghan's hectic schedule.

"Of course" Veronika replies, she was notified by Jeonghan that he will be late and would meet her at the house later,  he must be really busy then, she thought.

Upon reaching the Yoon mansion she was welcomed by Aera, her future sister in law.

"Veronika you're finally here!" Aera says enthusiastically going in for a hug, Veronika had talked to Aera at the funeral, She liked how Aera was, her personality even reminded her of Alessia.

"Hey there" Veronika says returning the hug.

"You must be tired from all the travelling, we prepared a room for you, I asked Markus how your room looks like back home and how you would like it, Hopefully it's up to your taste." Aera says leading Veronika upstairs to show her new room. "We thought you both will have separate rooms until you are familiar with eachother, you can move into his room anytime just so you know, if you want his room we can even kick him out, just say your word and I'll be on it sis." Aera continues making Veronika laugh.

"You know you really remind me of my friend Alessia."
She says smiling brightly at her.

The room was really upto Veronika's liking, the highlight being the walk in closet, Aera did a great job, She really has a knack for interior designing, she did not fail at making Veronika feel at home.

"This is so nice Aera, Thank you" Veronika says smiling.

"It is my pleasure, your other luggages will be unpacked and arranged in the closet, for now you can just take rest. Have a good sleep." Aera says as she steps out of the room leaving Veronika to her herself.

She changed into comfortable clothes and settled on the bed, sending messages to her friends and family that she reached safe, if only I could sleep like this all the time, she thought to herself before drifting off to sleep.

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