XVII. Nemesis

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In Italy

"She's getting married huh, without anyone knowing" Elijah says smirking as she looked at the informant.

Elijah Barone, the only daughter of Catalin Riva and Kade Barone. Her birth was mostly a secret, until Kade came forward claiming her to be his and the late Riva heir's child, the family was surprised but doubtful at the revelation considering how secretive Catalin was, who at the time of Elijah's supposed birth was in Germany till her untimely demise and Kade being her fiance at the time.

The Riva matriarch did not believe that Elijah was her blood, that she was Catalin's, neither did Claude but there was no way to know until a DNA test was proposed by their family lawyer to which Kade denied saying it was unnecessary. Later on, he left Italy with Elijah who was four at the time, and got married to Abigail who was Catalin's friend.

From her birth she was told that she is a Riva, her stepmother always insinuating how she was neglected by them which only increased her hate towards them, especially for Veronika as she was told that she should've been in her place. In fact all the Riva's and Barone were aware of how Elijah despised Veronika eventhough the former is much older than the latter.

Claude hated Kade from day one, there was something about him that he found distasteful but he didn't want to doubt his sister's choices. The mystery of Elijah's birth still remained but Elijah was made to believe that she was the eldest Riva heir, but she couldn't claim her title as long as the matriarch was alive until now.

"You can finally claim what's your's dear" Abigail had told her stepdaughter on hearing about the passing of Elaine Riva.

Abigail Barone used to be Abigail Wallace when she was friend of Catalin Riva, Kade saying he naturally fell in love with her as she was there after Catalin's death, Claude's hate for them only increased but he was more pained at his sister's passing and focused on building his family life than to care about them. She used to be a trusted friend but seeing how she was fueling Elijah's hatred for the Riva's questioned her genuinity.

"I think I should pay my uncle a visit sometime, it's been a while." Elijah says with malice.

Meanwhile Abigail and Kade were discussing about the same within themselves.

"She's getting married to Yoon Jeonghan, you know how powerful he is, their combination will be quite deadly." Kade commented.

"Deadly my foot, Veronika might seem all that but she's weak, she was protected by her grandmother, it must feel like losing a limb for her." Abigail counters hinting how the death of the matriarch must've effected Veronika.

"But we shouldn't underestimate them." Kade continues.

"Why are you all soft now Kade, you are supposed to be on our daughter's side." Abigail asks challenging him.

"I'm not being soft, why are pretending like you don't know, you know why I'm being careful. All of this can backfire and will blow up in my daughter's face once she knows she's doing all this for nothing." Kade let's out his frustration.

"She's my daughter too Kade, but I want her to have the finer things in life and this is what it takes. It's fine as long as they don't have proof." Abigail retorts, to an outsider it might seem like they were talking in riddles but they definitely knew what they were talking about.

"As long as they don't find proof" Kade emphasizes. He was concerned about his daughter and was often restless thinking what her reaction would be if she finds she was raised on a lie.

Catalin Riva could not get pregnant, Kade knew that and she herself knew it too, So did Abigail. It was a secret between the three.

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