XVI. Pleasant

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"You like her" Mingyu states as he and Jeonghan watch Veronika conversing with Aera and Mrs Yoon, her laugh making Jeonghan smile to himself. It's been three days since her arrival, both of them enjoying eachother's company.

Mingyu decided to pay the Yoons a visit especially Veronika as they haven't seen eachother in a long time, the last being when Mingyu stayed at their mansion, invited by Markus.
"Mingyu it's been a while" She says as she hugs him.

"You look the same, not like you got old or something, the last time we saw eachother was like two years ago" Mingyu replies smiling.

"Markus kept on asking if I saw you or something, well I did, almost on every magazine. It's good to see you in the flesh, what a small world though, I wondered how my brother knew Jeonghan, it made sense that you were the mutual friend he mentioned" Veronika replies before walking back to Aera.

All the while the duo was conversing, Jeonghan was feeling rather jealous, he knows Mingyu means no harm but he couldn't help as she looks close with him. Mingyu is like another version of her brother, as long as Mingyu is around she knew she won't be missing Markus much as the former will make up for her brother.

"Bro you are whipped for her" Mingyu says surprised. "You do know I see her as a sister right! and I'm literally like her brother, stop looking at me like I'm one of your rivals, but gotta say jealousy looks good on you." He mocks Jeonghan.

"I'm not jealous, why would I be, can't I observe you guys , you both look close." Jeonghan says playing it cool. "Man, I don't like this, she's changing me and she's barely even doing anything but even her small gestures makes me content."He says sighing.

"That's the face of a whipped man, God I can't wait to tell the guys. They asked to bring her by Carat when you can."
Mingyu says giggling.

The day went by with Mingyu having lunch with the couple and them coming across Jihoon, who joined them.

"She's nice, everyone will like her." Lee Jihoon gives his approval indirectly to Jeonghan. The couple bid goodbye to the guys, deciding to drive around Seoul to pass time.

It was night when they came back home, "I should learn the way, so that I can drive around , I miss my car" Veronika says as she enters the mansion.
"Till then you can tell me, I can take you anywhere." Jeonghan says eventhough he's well aware of the chauffeur being there to drive her around.

"I wouldn't want to bother you, you are a busy guy." she says stating the obvious.

"Getting to bother me is a privilege that only you have." He comments as he walks her to her room. "Good night Ver, Sleep well." He says as he retires to his room.

Later that night

"I'm gone little Elaine, you have to come in terms with it. I'm happy here, seeing you happy, but I can't take you with me."
Veronika jolts up from her sleep breathing hard, she was crying in her sleep, she dreamt of her grandmother.

The realisation that her grandmother was gone forever hurt her, eventhough she grew up with the whole family it was as if her grandma raised her and their bond was special from the rest and they all knew.

She couldn't go back to sleep, the room was suffocating her, she drank some water trying to get rid of the irritation in her throat, now she was standing in front of jeonghan's room contemplating whether to knock or not.

She wanted someone to calm her down, to bring her to her senses, to stop her tears from falling. She finally decided to knock on his door, she could hear faint footsteps approaching the door as a groggy Jeonghan appeared in front of her, he was half naked in front of her, but that didn't stop her from inviting herself inside the room as she heard the door close behind her.

She was wondering why he wasn't questioning her as she turned around to see him taking her hand gently guiding her to sit on the edge of his bed, he went on to quietly take a glass of water from the jug and handed it to her, which she gulped down quenching her thirst. He sits beside her, the light from outside illuminating the room, which allowed her to see in the dark room. His room looked simple yet spacious, she liked it.

" Do you get nightmares often?" He enquires concerned.

"It wasn't a nightmare, I dreamt of my grandmother" she says trying to calm herself down while Jeonghan takes hold of both of her shoulders, "Breathe Ver" He says gesturing her to follow as he takes deep breaths himself, Veronika following the same.

"She said she wouldn't take me with her." She says tearing up.

Jeonghan was surprised at what she said, she looked like a lost child, crying for her grandmother. "That's good for me" He says looking forward, making her look at him teary eyed. "I can't afford her taking you, not when I'm here." He continues as he hold her hand which was beside his, "In fact, that is why you were promised to me, but now I'm doing what I want, to not let you go." He wipes a tear from her face with his other hand.

"How did you know I get nightmares?" She asks confused.

"Kai mentioned it" He replies not elaborating further, it made sense now, him not questioning her, calming her down, knowing what to do. "Come on, let's go to sleep" He says naturally, settling her in his bed, getting that she didn't want to be alone. He lies next to her, holding her from behind against his chest, placing a kiss on her head, calming her. She turns to his side burying her head in his chest, making herself comfortable, he caresses her head until she falls asleep.

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