XXVIII. Affection

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I swear to God I'll kill him, Veronika thought as she stared hard at her brother who was laughing and talking away. He didn't particularly do anything. Everything and everyone was just annoying her at the moment. She wanted to dig a hole in the ground and bury herself so that she won't have any human interaction for the time being.

Cramps were being a bitch, she didn't take painkillers, sometimes holding her breath helped, Jeonghan knew the day was going to be long, seeing her foul mood.

"I'll just go and rest, don't disturb me for a while" she tells her brother, walking away to the room.

Veronika was tossing and turning on the bed, she tried to ignore the pain but it hurt, after some while, the door opens with a click, she had her hand over her eyes.

"I told you not to disturb me, Mark, give me a break" she says not taking her hand off from her face, not checking who came in.

Aera and Jeonghan stared at her, the former handed over the things in her hand to her brother mouthing a good luck before leaving the couple alone. It wasn't the first time she was having a period in their home but it was the first time seeing her act out.

"You're going to kick me out just like that? You're going in a week anyway" Jeonghan says setting down the package in his hand down.

"Not now han, I'm fucking dying here" Veronika groans as she replies, her voice loud.

Jeonghan stares at his wife who looked in pain, he took off the blazer he was wearing, getting on to bed with her.

"It hurts bad?" He says placing his hand on her belly. She hums as she turns her back towards him, moving into his warmth.

"Does this help?" Jeonghan wanted her to feel better, he started to massage her lower belly, it gave her some relief.

"Thank you" she says in a whisper, closing her eyes.

"You know I got you stuff you like, there's dark chocolate and other snacks you like" Jeonghan says smiling as he watches her.

She opens her eyes at what he said, as she turns her head to look at him, "I love you" she says in a quick voice, making him laugh.

"You know I love you more, rest for now, I'll be here" He says as he places his free hand under her head, still massaging.

"It's fine, you can stop now, just be here with me" she tells him kissing his arms which was under her head as she cozy herself in his embrace.

I don't know how I'll survive without him for two months, she thinks before drifting to sleep.

They were going to be away from eachother soon, the thought often disturbed and worried them, both of them just wanted eachother to be well and hoped time to fly by so that they can be in eachother's arms.

"Take care love" He tells her, his voice fading as Veronika rests.

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