XXXVII. Revival

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A sense of terror seized Jeonghan as her hand slipped off of his, in the darkness everyone tried to find their own places and people. A few minutes later the lights turned back on, and everyone sighed in relief except one.

"Jeonghan what happened?" Mingyu asked seeing the latter.

"Ver...where is she?"Jeonghan uttered the words secretly hoping she's in the other side of the room or with her family.

"Wasn't she with you?" Mingyu asked, looking around.

"She moved away when the lights went out, it was almost like she was moved away" He replied, as time went by the more vulnerable Jeonghan became, all the other guys noticed the distress in his face.

"Don't worry we'll find her, she'll be just here somewhere" Mingyu reassured him and went on to look for her.

"I have to tell Markus and Kai" Jeonghan took off to find the brothers, deep down he somehow felt that she was not in the room anymore.

"Somebody saw Veronika going out of the building with an anonymous person" Markus informed Jeonghan. They all tried to maintain their calm to not cause anymore disorder amongst the people in the room.

"We'll find her hyung, don't worry" Chan reassured a worried Jeonghan. Where did she disappear to?

Just then Ruth saw the uneasiness surrounding Jeonghan and the group of people she knew and both her friends were not in sight. Seungcheol saw a confused Ruth and approached her.

"Are you okay? Did you see Veronika going out?" He asked concerned.

"Where did she go? Where's Alessia?" Ruth suddenly started panicking, grasping the situation.

"Alessia is with Joshua, I checked, they are coming back" Wonwoo told the others.

"The security says, she left willingly, one of the cars are gone" Markus informs the group.

"We should check the perimeters and the surveillance, Ruth, stay with her family for the time being" Seungcheol told her, but she stood unmoving, still shocked. "Veronika will be fine, she's not someone who can just be kidnapped, don't worry we'll find her and Alessia will be here soon" He held her face in his hands, staring at her, giving her a reassuring smile to make her snap out of her tense state.

The rest looked upon at the pair, curious, it was indeed obvious the two had something to do with eachother in the past but right now they had to ensure another's safety.

Ruth went over to the worried parents, they were trying to put on a brave face and tend to the guests who were unaware of the situation which was unfolding behind the scenes.

Just then Jeonghan's phone lighted up, signifying he had received a message.

'I'm fine, don't look for me, I'll come back soon, tell the others to not worry. I'll explain later. Ask Kai to tell Enzo 'it's time' he'll understand.'

She had left him a message, he stared at his phone for a while, making others question him.

"She's fine, she'll come back after sometime, I don't know what's happening but she said she'll explain later." He informed the others and walked off to find Kai.

"Did you find Ver?" Kai asked him expectantly only for Jeonghan to show him the message he received from his wife. Something changed in Kai's demeanor, he just nodded and walked away, to find Enzo.

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