VIII. Know

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The Yoons were asked to join Claude and Katheryn in the private space inside the mansion away from the group of people outside, the connection of the Yoons and Rivas started with the mothers of both Yoon Jaehwan and Claude Riva. Both the wives were well acquainted as well unlike their children, who rarely crossed paths but the Rivas were counting on Markus because of the social butterfly that he is and they were not disappointed.

The elders conversed away while Jeonghan checked his phone for any calls and important emails or messages from his assistant or others while Aera looked around the room inspecting the art and paintings on the walls.

Aera was the first one to notice Markus enter, who gave her a gentle smile while he made a beeline for her brother, she was confused.

"Jeonghan it's been sometime" He greets Jeonghan with a firm handshake.

"It really has been...I'm sorry for your loss. I know you've been hearing it all day but " Jeonghan stops giving a sympathetic smile.

"It's fine, it has been a really long day and it's gonna be an even longer day for my sister" Markus mumbles away and continues conversing with Jeonghan while Aera joins in.

All the while, Kai and Veronika entered the room silently and observed the trio confused but not surprised.
" Is there anyone in this world that he doesn't know?" Veronika whispers to her brother pointing at her other brother.

"Let's just hope they are just acquaintances and nothing else" Kai jokes hinting at the fact that Markus has his men as well as women." I'm only joking, kid. He seems decent" he states again.
"So is our brother" I joke back just when Markus turns, making eye contact with us probably after he felt our stare.
We both walk up to the elders pretending like we just entered the room, no wonder they say me and Kai are the drama.

Kai greets the Yoons first as he knows them well while Veronika stands beside him waiting for her turn as she feels stares at her which she knows is from the trio itself.

"Ohmy you grew up so well my dear" Mrs. Yoon says as she gives Veronika a hug while Mr Yoon pats her head " You were a small child the last time we saw you, I hope you are well, Elaine" Yes even the Yoons calls her Elaine as they are close family friends.

Veronika felt someone walk up to her from behind, the way she felt at the moment was unexplainable. She felt as if she really misunderstood Yoon Jeonghan, even if he looked calm and serene, he had this powerful aura which draws you in which made her nervous.

Jeonghan stopped right beside her, he was tall and lean and he was unrealistically handsome, Veronika was almost checking him out when she was pulled back into the conversation by her father.

"I hope you all get to know eachother, us elders have important things to discuss "He says eyeing Mr and Mrs Yoon and they walk out of the room and now it's just us, the children.

The air was awkward except for Markus and Aera who strayed away from the group chit chatting while Kai went on to greet Jeonghan, both of them acknowledged each other and even moved away to talk, while Veronika stood there bored. Later on Kai goes out as Ana calls him to help with Nikolas aka Niko, their son.

Veronika's POV

Now it was just him and me in the room, I didn't know why I was feeling nervous and looked around, I didnt like how i was feeling around him, maybe it is because we are literally strangers to each other. I looked at him only to see he was already looking at me.

"Hello Jeonghan" I finally say breaking the silence.

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