IX. Daze

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Jeonghan POV

The way my name sounded when she said it made me take in a deep breath, I can't be going crazy for a woman I just met. I don't know if I'm imagining it but she seems nervous, Am I making her nervous? I smile at the thought only to be reminded that I'm struggling to function around her, I'm a grown man not some teenage girl, the thought makes me frown.

"Veronika, how are you doing?" I ask trying to make conversation, God where is Mingyu when you need him!, he's usually the one who gives advice to the guys on relationships and women.

She seems surprised by the question, was that a wrong choice of question? But she replies back before I can think further.

Veronika's POV

"I'm alright, Thank you for asking." Lie, I'm not alright but thankful that he asked because all day everyone was conveying their condolences and assumed how I was but never asked, maybe I'm finding his small question big because I'm in a sensitive state of mind, it feels like the smallest thing can tick me off but conversing with Jeonghan was not as hard as I thought it would be, I rather found it strangely calming. We were talking casually about how busy our life's are and about family, clearly staying off the topic of the will or marriage, neither of us didn't know how to get to the topic but then I decided to not beat around the bush anymore.

"You were informed about the promise weren't you?" I ask looking elsewhere but from the corner of my eye I could see him pause, maybe thrown off as I stated the obvious.

"You don't like beating around the bush do you, so impatient" He says amused. "I was told I'll be meeting my future wife in some hours, after i got on the jet" He turns towards me, his gaze fixed at me.

"If they told you before you got on that jet, would you have bolted then?" I ask sarcastically not missing how he said future wife.

"Pretty sure I was making an escape plan until I saw you" He teasingly says as I smile at the comment.

"You are not bad yourself Mr. Yoon" I flirt back, Oh boy something about this man screams danger in my mind but I'm attracted. He obviously is better than the previous guys my mom introduced me to, they were either kids of business acquaintances or elites, and obviously the moment I sense what my mother is up to I get in a foul mood, my facial expressions not betraying me, makes people stay away, but Yoon Jeonghan caught me off guard but I'm liking it already and it's concerning.
My grandmother was laid to rest just hours ago and I'm already flirting with the guy she found for me. Wow I can imagine her smug face and I miss her so much already. I smile sadly as nostalgia creeps in.

Jeonghan POV

I didn't expect her to flirt back but she did, she's bold and that was not surprising. I kept on looking at her while she was lost in thought, her face pleasant but something changed suddenly, she was smiling but it seemed rather melancholic. She must be thinking about her grandmother.

"You were really close with your grandmother weren't you?" I speak up and we fell back into conversation almost naturally, no awkward air left. She was talking about how she was thrown off by the will and I agreed with her almost immediately, then she went on to say how her grandmother was, you could really get from the way she was talking that the Elaine Riva she knew was different from the serious woman people faced in the business world.

"Are you going back home to Seoul?" She asks.

" I have to, I'm needed there for sometime" I say thinking about the amount of work I left back in my office.

"You know I was made to finish all the work I had and hand over the documents to my dad before my grandmother passed, it was an order from her. Apparently I can only start working after the legal formalities and marriage is done which will take sometime as the legal stuff takes time. God I should've seen it coming when she told me to hand everything over to father!" I laugh lightly at her realization wondering if it had happened before, as if reading my mind she replies "Kai was made to do the same thing before grandma told him to settle down" she states sighing.

No wonder Kai knew it was coming, I thought as I recalled my conversation with him.

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