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If the people who she used to face in meetings on behalf of her grandmother saw her now, they would think she has softened up and is harmless. She was the same person, just that Jeonghan was bringing out a side of her which was only for him.

When it came to rivals, Veronika was merciless, the business arena often used to get messy and bloody at times, been like that for sometime. She was raised to handle it all, cold and calculating, ruthless when it came to the ones who dare raise a finger against her loved ones, that didn't mean she would let them step on her, they would be done for before they even get the chance.

When Markus told her about Elijah's arrival she was not surprised, her grandmother used to keep a close eye on Kade and Abigail ever since they got together.

Veronika never questioned her but later understood why Elijah was a threat, older than her, raised and made to believe that she is a Riva heir, an invisible barrier of rivalry between them.

They had met more than once at events as Elijah took after her parents in their business. She could play the card of being the supposed older Riva heir to take over Veronika's position, the only thing stopping Elijah being the question surrounding her biological parents.


A few months back before Elaine Riva's passing.

"She's meeting up with our partners with business intentions, its almost like she's going after us." Enzo, head of the Riva security team reported to Veronika, he has been with the Riva's for more than 20 years.

"She's trying to mobilize them, get their support, maybe even promising them higher profit and position, she's up to something, now that grandma is ill. She's waiting for her to be gone, I bet Abigail is running her mouth" Veronika said as she sighed and massaged her temples.

If her grandmother had kept an eye on them all these years then she must've seen something coming. Veronika knew what she should do.

"Let's see how far she goes" she says leaning back in her chair, sitting straight as she smiles at Enzo, silently thanking him for his service as he leaves her alone to her thoughts.


"Ver are you even listening to me ?" Markus pulls her back from her reverie as she zones back to reality.

"I just zoned out man, sorry, what were you saying ?" Veronika apologises to her giddy brother who's now excitedly telling her about how his day went by reconnecting with his friend Mingyu and meeting the rest of the heirs.

"You know it seems like Joshua had come across Ruth before, I was talking about all our friends back home and I showed them a picture of her and he seemed quiet surprised, said she looked familiar" Markus says as he sits opposite his sister, a packet of chips in his hand.

"That's odd, who knows, maybe they saw eachother at some event or something?" Veronika says as she reaches for the chips.

"Mingyu also caught on to it but he kept quiet, you know what, let it be. Anyways Jeonghan is cool, I approve." He says suddenly praising his brother in law.

"OK 'Mr I am interested in my brother in law's sister' I'm glad to have your approval " she replies as she dramatically bows , the siblings breaking into laughter. They looked at eachother fondly.

"I miss those days with us three together" Markus says as he smiles at her, "Niko misses you" He tells Veronika, showing her a picture he took of their nephew who had sported a toothy grin to the camera.

"He looks like baby Kai but with Ana's gentleness" Veronika says in awe. Just then they were interrupted by a knock, Aera looked in, smiling at the siblings, maybe to get them to have lunch.

"Jeonghan's home pretty early" Aera says smirking, making Veronika stand up , "He's asking for you" she continues as Markus smiles at her offering her the chips.

"Have fun" Markus says in a sing song manner, as Veronika smacks the back of his head.

"Behave while I'm gone" she says mockingly.

"I'll keep him in check" Aera says she she gently pushes Veronika out the door.

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