XLV. Genesis

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2 years later

As the years passed, Veronika and Jeonghan's bond only grew stronger. Despite the challenges they faced, they remained dedicated in their commitment to each other and to building a life together.

With Veronika's keen business sense and Jeonghan's strategic vision, they transformed their respective companies into a formidable business empire. Together, they navigated the complexities of the corporate world, overcoming obstacles with grace and determination. But it wasn't just their professional success that defined their relationship. Through the highs and lows, Veronika and Jeonghan found solace in each other's arms, offering unwavering support and unconditional love.

As Veronika confronted the scars of her past, Jeonghan stood by her side, offering a shoulder to lean on and a listening ear. With his gentle encouragement, Veronika slowly began to dismantle the walls she had built around herself, allowing herself to embrace vulnerability and find healing. As the Riva family confronted their own demons, Veronika emerged as a beacon of strength and resilience, guiding them through their darkest moments with grace and compassion.

Veronika stood in front of the bathroom mirror, her heart racing with anticipation. She held the pregnancy test in her trembling hands, her mind filled with a whirlwind of emotions. Could it be true? Could she and Jeonghan really be having a child?

As the seconds ticked by, she watched with nervous excitement as two pink lines appeared on the test, tears of joy welled up in her eyes. With trembling hands, Veronika made her way out to the bedroom where Jeonghan was waiting for her. She found him sitting on the edge of the bed, his expression a mix of concern and anticipation.

"Angel, is everything alright?" he asked, rising to his feet as he noticed the tears in her eyes.

Unable to contain her excitement any longer, Veronika held out the pregnancy test, her heart pounding in her chest. "Jeonghan, look," she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion.

Jeonghan's eyes widened in disbelief as he took the test from her hands, his gaze moving to the two pink lines that confirmed their impending journey into parenthood. In that moment, all the worries and doubts that had plagued them melted away, replaced by an overwhelming sense of joy and gratitude.

Without a word, Jeonghan pulled Veronika into his arms, holding her tightly against his chest as they shared a moment of pure happiness. They laughed and cried tears of joy, their hearts overflowing with love for each other and the precious life growing inside Veronika's womb.

Jeonghan suddenly feels Veronika go still in his arms "What happened?" He asks her, concerned.

"I'm going to be a mother" Veronika says in realization, shock seeping in to her skin, "Oh god, han what if I won't be a good mother, What if I become careless with the baby?" She says as an overwhelming feeling of anxiousness comes over.

"Look at me Ver, breathe. Let me tell you something, I want you to know that you are the centre of my world and you have made me the happiest man by being my wife and now bearing my child. This is new, it's a big change, and we'll go through it all together, you are responsible, caring and everything good. Remember how we make each other better likewise we'll make eachother better parents as well. And don't worry about anything else, I love you and thank you for everything" He reassures her as he presses a kiss on her forehead, full of love, and care. He gently places his hand on her now small belly and whispers as Veronika looks at him "You are so loved little Yoon, Mom and Dad loves you".

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