XXXVI. Again

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Ruth was feeling rather bitter, her hand around the glass tightened as she watched Seungcheol conversing away with other women, who were obviously there, flirting. She couldn't blame them as he was a sought after bachelor, the one who had most connection on the basis of business.

"First Alessia, now you too?" Veronika joined her friends side seeing the sour expression on her face.

"Now me what?" Ruth sighed annoyed at her friends question.

"Well, be bitter all you want because it's really not obvious that you are going to burst due to jealousy" The latter taunted her.

"I'm not... you know what, forget it, its not like I came here for him anyways" She slid the glass to the counter and turned to see Jimin, who was enjoying his conversation with another guest.

"Hey Park, keep me company for a while" She moved towards the male and rested her head lazily on his side.

"You okay? Bailing out of the party already? Did you and Veronika swap souls or something?" Jimin raised an eyebrow and questioned the tipsy woman beside him.

"All I wanted was to talk and get answers and you know what he's doing? Obviously not me tonight" Ruth blabbered, and laughed, earning an amused look from Veronika, and a concerned one from Jimin who looked at Ver for explanation.

"Bad day I guess" Veronika gestured as she patted her friend's head "You'll be fine, I can sit here and listen to you all the time" She told her friend who just gave her a lazy smile.

"Well I can talk, that's for sure and it'll be free tea for Jimin but nah, you have a party to manage, this whole thing is for you." Ruth replied as she gave a reassuring squeeze to her friends hand. "Oh, and I'll be fine, I don't know where the hell Alessia is but she'll be fine as well, you know that. Dont worry." Ruth said as she bid bye to the people beside her and disappeared into the party.

"Congratulations on the promotion Veronika, Taehyung couldn't make it but he wishes well" Jimin smiled at the latter, giving her a friendly hug which she returned.

"Jungkook's looking for you by the way" Jeonghan informed Jimin as he replaced the latter in his seat, Jimin going off to find the younger one.

"How does it feel ?" Jeonghan asked as he looked out towards the people having a good time.

"Nothing feels changed, it's all same, as of now" Veronika answered.

"Good, that puts me at ease" He replied as he looked at her, studying her face.

"You make my day han" she smiled at him, resting her forehead on his.

"And nights too" Jeonghan added which earned a playful slap on his arm followed by soft giggles.

"I love you" Veronika says as her hands wrapped around his neck. Just then all the lights goes out, followed by gasps in the room.

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