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As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the elegant Riva estate, Veronika and Jeonghan stood hand in hand, their hearts filled with anticipation. Tonight was not just any gathering; it was a celebration of love, family, and the joyous news that had brought them all together.

Veronika glowed with happiness as she greeted her friends and family, her hand resting protectively on her gently swelling abdomen. Jeonghan stood proudly by her side, his eyes never straying far from his beloved wife.

Memories of her grandmother flooded her mind, the gentle touch of her hand, the sound of her laughter, the wisdom of her words. Though she was no longer with them in body, her spirit lived on in every corner of the estate, in every cherished memory they held dear. Veronika's heart swelled with bittersweet nostalgia as she looked around at the familiar faces gathered before her.

Aunt Catalin decided to lay low and live peacefully in the countryside with her wife Rebekah. The news of her being married came as a shock to Claude but the family was happy knowing that, after all that happened in the past, she moved on and found happiness. Veronika smiled at her as they conversed with the others.

Anya gave birth to a beautiful beautiful baby girl, making Kai take classes from his father on being a girl dad. Niko continues to wrestle Markus who is busy talking to Aera, making her laugh.

They are also joined by Veronika's circle of friends including Ruth, Alessia, who brought their respective 'dates' Seungcheol and Joshua eventhough they claim arriving together was a coincidence. The rest of Jeonghan's friends along with Jungkook promised to meet up at Carat after the couple's return to Seoul to celebrate.

As the evening progressed, a hush fell over the crowd as Veronika and Jeonghan stepped forward, their hands clasped tightly together. With a smile that lit up the room, Veronika announced the news they had been eagerly awaiting.

"We're going to have a baby," she declared, her voice filled with emotion.

A chorus of cheers and applause erupted from their families and friends, filling the air with warmth and happiness. Tears of joy glistened in Veronika's eyes as she felt the overwhelming love and support surrounding her.

Soon, the room was abuzz with laughter and congratulations as their families came together to celebrate this new chapter in their lives. Jeonghan's parents embraced Veronika's with open arms, excited to be grandparents.

As the night went on, Veronika found herself surrounded by loved ones, each one offering their blessings and well wishes for the journey ahead. And in that moment, she knew that no matter what challenges lay in store, she would always have the unwavering love and support of her family and her beloved husband by her side.

Jeonghan looked over and held her close, smiling gently. Seeing her radiant smile and the way she lit up the room with her announcement filled him with an indescribable joy as he held her close.

Watching her interact with our loved ones, her laughter ringing out amidst the music and chatter, he felt a sense of gratitude wash over him. Gratitude for the incredible woman by his side, for the love that bound them together, and for the blessing of starting a family with her.

Jeonghan's POV

As Veronika's parents embraced me with warmth and acceptance, any lingering doubts or fears I may have had about our union melted away. In their eyes, I saw nothing but love and support, a reflection of the happiness that Veronika had brought into my life.

I found myself caught up in a whirlwind of emotions-excitement for the future, gratitude for the present, and a profound sense of love for the woman who had become my everything.

As we finally stole a quiet moment together, away from the hustle and bustle of the celebration, I took Veronika's hand in mine, my heart overflowing with love and anticipation for the journey ahead.

"Veronika," I whispered, my voice filled with emotion. "I can't wait to meet our little one and embark on this new adventure together. With you by my side, I know we'll be able to handle anything that comes our way."

And as she leaned into my embrace, her head resting against my chest, I knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, we would face them together, hand in hand, our love shining bright amidst the darkness.

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