XIV. Home

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It was really late when Jeonghan finally reached home, a hectic day it was, with meetings, conferences, and just work in general. Even though he had a tiring day, Veronika's arrival was always in his mind, he was thinking if she was okay and settling in well, his sister giving him updates all the time, the last one being about Veronika liking her room and going off to sleep.

I wonder if she's still sleeping, he thought, they reached sometime before noon and from Kai he came to know that she doesn't like travelling and it often really tires her out. He notified his parents beforehand to check on her at times.

"You are already being a worried husband Jeonghan, it really suits you." Joshua had said that when he witnessed a worried Jeonghan, as he visited him earlier. All of them cross paths often.

His thoughts came to halt when his mother walked up to him. 
"She's in her room, just woke up" she tells him knowing that he was thinking about her.

"Good night mum" He says smiling tired as he goes to his room.

Veronika woke up from her slumber sometime ago, She got herself some cut fruits and water as she didn't want to eat anything heavy. It was late but she didn't feel like going back to sleep, she then decided to get out of her room, still not used to the ways in the mansion, she made a mental note to find Aera and ask her whose room is where and what all is there.

Just as she stepped out, she heard footsteps approaching, only to see Jeonghan, in his work attire, walking upstairs, he looked tired but just as she was about to look away, he turns towards her side, looking at her. She felt herself pause at the eye contact but recovered as he walked up to her.

"Up already sunshine?" He asks with a hint of sarcasm. The first thing she noticed on him was the ring necklace he was wearing, he put the ring in a necklace too; do we think alike? She wondered. Jeonghan trailed her gaze which was on his ring, noticing that she was also wearing the ring alike.

His hands went to gently pick the ring which was on the necklace, around her neck. "They engraved our initials on them" Jeonghan says nonchalantly which made Veronika looked at his ring, then it must indeed have VER on it too, she thought.

She looked up to see jeonghan scanning her face, he was close to her, "Are you bored?" He says, his gaze at her lips. Veronika suddenly felt conscious of herself, she was getting nervous, "maybe" she says in a small voice.

"Do you want to get out and see around" He asks in a lower voice too, they didn't know why they were almost whispering, but the proximity was making both of them nervous.

Jeonghan pulls himself back from her with all of his self might, damn I must've lost it he thinks to himself. "Come on I'll show you around" he says gesturing her to follow him, keeping his hands in his pocket, afraid that mere physical contact with her will make him go crazy for her.

Just as Jeonghan turned, Veronika let's out a breath she didn't realise she was holding, that's the effect he was having on her, the moment they looked at eachother she knew both of them were thinking about the same thing, She almost thought it would happen when he kept on looking at her lips, she almost gave herself into him, even when he was doing the least.

This was new to her, her mind was going crazy as she calms herself down following Jeonghan outside into the backyard.

The first thing she noticed was the water glistening under the moonlight, the pool was large and looked nice. "You can swim whenever you want" Jeonghan says knowingly.
She wondered where he was taking her, there was a open area where you could rest and even just relax.

"Have a seat, Ver" He says, this was the first time he called her by her nickname which she mentioned earlier, he had heard her brothers call her that too. She sits beside him in one of the chairs. "You can come here and relax in the evening, it's nice even at night" Jeonghan says as he closed his eyes feeling the gentle wind.

"You are tired" Veronika states and Jeonghan didn't object.

"I am, but this doesn't feel tiring, it's strange but being around you doesn't tire me" He says looking at her gently, "Maybe because it has not been much while since we met" Jeonghan comments with a hint of joke.

"You're going to see me everyday from now on Mr. Yoon" Veronika replies teasing him.

"Same goes for you too Ms. Riva" He replies equally, both of them breaking into smiles. They sat there for somewhile, enjoying the silence and eachother's company with Jeonghan occasionally telling her about the locality and them telling eachother about their friends and family.

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