XII. Confidante

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Veronika waited for her friend to process what she just said preparing herself for the reaction she's going to get.

Veronika's POV

"YOU ARE WHAT NOW!?" There she is, Alessia Marino, daughter of Alexander Marino, our family lawyer. One of my most trusted friends, heir from a family full of lawyers, obviously a law graduate herself, exclaims shocked.

Meanwhile Ruth Sinclair, also my trusted friend joined us via video call from Japan where she is currently at.
"It has barely been a week since I left for Japan and you are already engaged! Damn Ver that's some skill." Ruth begins

"Yoon Jeonghan?" Alessia continues still shocked.

"Yes" I reply with a sigh, this is going to take a while.

"So this whole thing was there ever since you were born?" Ruth asks

"Hmm I guess so, pretty sure they went back to the promise thing because of my birth." I reply fiddling with ring which was given to me by Jeonghan's parents, I decided to wear it as a necklace, hoping I won't lose it.

"Wait so everyone else in the family other than you knew about this?" Alessia asks

"Well obviously grandma, papa and mom knew, Kai figured it out when I was asked to hand in all the work and I really doubt Markus because him and grandma used to trade secrets, even when he came to know about it he was just quiet, which was odd; Anyways, yes I'm engaged, it's Yoon Jeonghan, we talked at the funeral, we were both given rings by eachother's families and here's mine." I show them the ring, it was a simple gold band with the initials YJH engraved on the inside.

I look over to Ally who looks at me frowning, I knew what she was hinting at, "this is not the official ring, it's only to symbolise the engagement, there will be another ring and it will be much prettier" I say letting out a nervous laugh while Ruth laughs from behind the screen seeing Alessia's tantrums.

"It better have a stone on it that is expensive" Alessia jokes finally getting back to normal.

"Everything is fine as long as our girl is treated like the queen she is" Ruth says, with Alessia nodding in agreement.

"So when will you be leaving for Seoul?" Ruth asks.

"Well I am to stay in Seoul, with the Yoons for almost three months first and in between we'll be signing the marriage papers and will be legally married. As for the ceremony, we agreed to take it slow and have it sometime later, and I'm pretty sure I won't be officially given the position until all the legal stuff are done, my money is on your dad" I say pointing to Alessia as her father is my family lawyer, "So I'm guessing I'll be gone for six months mostly and will be back by the time Catalyst Foundation charity event happens."

The Catalyst Foundation was made in memory of my aunt Catalin, an annual Charity event, hosted by the Riva family, takes place every year with attendees from all over the world. My grandmother used to be the one heading the event but from the next one it will be me and I think my posting as the head of Riva Corp will also take sometime near that.

"I'll miss you love" Alessia says giving me hug.

"I'll visit you there after I'm done with all that I have to do here" Ruth says smiling

"Maybe you both can come to Seoul, adjust your schedules and we can hang out, who knows maybe Jeonghan got friends who are single too" I comment thoughtfully.

"See you in Seoul Ver" Ruth says before hanging up.

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