XXIX. Confide

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"Don't you think you both are being dramatic?" Seungkwan asks Jeonghan, the latter decided to spill out his worries to his friends.

"You don't get it kwan, that's why, but he's a bit right bro, you both are being like you'll be separated from here on" Minghao tells him, giving a consoling smile.

"We're all invited to Catalyst right?" Chan asks curious.

"Yeah, it's gonna be my first time attending, usually my parents did but they are sending me this year" Hansol replies. It was the same for the younger three.

"It's a good event, for a good cause, but this year it's going to be much grander because of her stepping up as the head" Mingyu says smiling at the rest.

"I've only attended once but that was some years ago, after that Jungkook attended representing our family" Wonwoo said as he stretched in his seat.

"I'm just concerned about her" Jeonghan declares suddenly, silence following his comment. "It's just I know the Veronika I see is not the one who others see out there and I was told to keep her from losing herself" He blurted his worries earning concerning looks from others.

"She's just like you, don't forget that. Just like how you see a different her, she sees a different you and you complete eachother that way." Joshua tells his friend, thoughtfully.

"And spend time with her instead of sulking" Seungcheol says as Joshua's eyes suddenly lit up in question. He gave the former a knowing look suggesting they should have a talk later.

The guys left one by one as Joshua and Seungcheol stood back. There was an initial silence that took over before Joshua cleared his throat to speak.

"I was not mistaken, was I?" Joshua asked calmly. "That girl in the picture that Markus showed, she's the one from that night right?" He ended waiting for a reply from his friend.

"She changed a bit but yeah it's her, what a small world it is" Seungcheol said as he chuckled, seemingly reminiscing old times.

"I finally got you, Red" Seungcheol said to himself before bidding adieu to his friend.

Meanwhile Veronika decided to visit Jeonghan in his office, where she was informed he stepped out for sometime. She didn't feel like doing anything else so she decided to wait on his cabin.

She looked around the office and decided to explore and see the view, after which she curiously walked around the table to see the perspective of people sitting opposite him would have. She stopped behind the chairs and stared hard at Jeonghan's seat, imagining how he would look in his boss persona.

Veronika was lost in thought when two hands wrapped around her from behind, she eased against the person taking in his scent, it calmed her.

"Do you know who I am?" The person asks as she laughed lightly.

"What kind of question is that han? Your cologne is hard to miss" Veronika says giving a happy sigh.

"Is it strong then? It could've been anyone you know" He asks as he tried to sniff himself.

"No, it's sweet, I like it and I know your touch a little too well so" She replied turning around to face him, who displayed a fond smile. He placed a gentle kiss on her forehead before going for her lips. It was gentle, full of love and care.

"I have a little bit more work to do, then I'm all yours" He says as he holds her close, his hands wrapped around her, resting at her lower back.

"I know" She said as she smiled upto him, Jeonghan could swear her eyes held the universe in them or just that's how precious she is to him.

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