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Heavy heartedly Jeonghan was sending off his wife, the latter held his hand tight, giving reassurance before joing her friend. He felt as if she took a part of him while, she felt as if she left a part of her with him.

"Call me whenever, I'll be always free for you, I love you angel" He had told her before she left. Jeonghan slumped into his swivel chair, tired of drowning himself in work. He missed her, wished she was there to return home to. Was he being desperate? What did Veronika Elaine Riva do to him?

Days went by, In Italy..

"How did she even get invited?" Kai questioned while Veronika silently thought about the situation.

"Her ex husband and new boyfriend" She finally says putting the puzzle together. "Those are the only ways I'm seeing, the ex husband angle is less probable but not impossible, it must've been the boyfriend then, tagging her along as a plus one" she completes earning a nod from her brother.

Elijah had somehow managed to get invited into Catalyst event, that was the topic of discussion.

"She won't make a public fit, it's too troublesome and bratty, she's not like her mother in that case I suppose " She commented getting a small smile from her stressed brother.

"Abigail is something else, what is up with that woman, what did aunt Catalin even see in her to befriend her?" Kai voices out his thoughts, Veronika thought the same.

"People change over time, but one thing for sure, it was betrayal" She tells him indicating to what their aunt had gone through.

"Don't you miss Jeonghan?" Kai suddenly asks her smiling.

"Honestly, very much, but it's good to know I'm not the only one, Aera said he's also a bit gloomy but fine" she replied.

"Now you understand how I felt staying away from Ana" He told her for which she nodded in acknowledging her brothers past emotions.

Markus had left Seoul and headed out to LA for his own pursuits, he was to return home soon. While the siblings chatted away and planned for the upcoming event, Elijah was scheming, thinking ways to bring down the Riva heirs.

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