XX. Release

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The drive back home was silent, both of them not saying anything. After Veronika's call with Ruth was cut short, Jeonghan announced that he is taking Veronika home. Meanwhile Veronika was still thinking whether Jeonghan heard what she said, her not making eye contact with him and looking anywhere else.

As they reached home, she walked ahead, avoiding Jeonghan somehow, embarrased. Jeonghan followed her in calm steps, not taking his eyes off of her. Just as Veronika was about to pass his room, he asks;

"Where do you think you're going?" He says standing tall waiting for her to turn to face him. Veronika stood frozen on hearing his voice, giving her goosebumps, she was contemplating if she should turn or just run to her room and spend the night alone.

She's interrupted from her thoughts as she hears footsteps nearing her, he walks up to her. "Aren't you being rude now Ms. Riva, not giving an answer" He says, hands in pocket, leaning down, whispering to her ears from behind.

Veronika feels her heart race at the proximity, she finally turns to face him, their faces close, him sporting a triumphant smile mirroring her's. "Are you being like this because of Jungkook, I expected you to be more tough han" she says looking up to him as he stands straight.

"Oh darling I'm here because I heard you wanted me" he says making her face flush. "If it was because of jealousy we would've been like this a long time ago" He says studying her face, moving the strand of hair which fell on her face.

The tension was getting too much, both of them finding it hard to fight the urge to kiss eachother. They look at eachother lips, making eye contact, letting eachother know what will happen next and giving eachother time to back out but none of them moved from their stance before crashing their lips together.

The desperation, want and wait felt in the kiss, both of them running out of breath as he backs her up against the wall. He hold her nape with his left hand while his right hand is wrapped around her waist, and her hands on his chest, sliding to his arms as she balances herself, feeling that her knees would give out because of how's she's feeling at the moment.

His hand on her nape slides to take hold of her neck as he traces kisses down her jaw. Just then she remembers they are still in the hallway and anyone can walk in at any moment, she pulls away, guiding him towards his room.

He closes the door behind him, locking it in a hurry as he holds her close, both of them smiling in between the kiss as she unbuttons his shirt.

They slept late that night.

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