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I just landed, will reach soon, Ruth texted her dear friend as she strutted through the airport, trying to find the person who is supposed to pick her up.

After coming to know about Veronika's departure to Italy, Ruth decided to stop by Seoul and join her friend in her journey back home. Where is this person? Ruth thought as she checked her phone for any message from her friend, who said she'll  send someone to get her from the airport.

"Ms Sinclair" A deep manly voice called her gently, sending shivers down her spine, she would recognize that voice anywhere and she hoped it wasn't who she thought it was.

Ruth turned to look at the owner of the voice, she didn't expect to see him the moment she stepped into Seoul. Should I just pretend like I don't know him? She thought to herself still staring at the man in front of her.

"Yes" She answered trying to act unsure.

"I'm here to take you to Veronika, my bestfriend's wife, such a small world isn't it?" The man added with a chuckle while Ruth kept on inspecting him skeptically.

"World is indeed small when it comes to the rich huh" she murmered, "Do I know you ?" She asked him, putting on her Oscar worthy acting.

"You can pull that off with someone else but not me Ruth, and you know me very well " He replied walking up to her and talking her luggage.

The walk to the car was silent. Why is he here? The question was bugging her. She knew she would have to see him if she came to Seoul one way or another but this was sooner than she expected.

"Penny for your thoughts?" He asked her, his focus on the road.

He was not there to run an errand for Veronika, he was there for himself, he volunteered to pick her up, to let himself be known. Was that some man ego ? He didn't care,  he had her right infront of him and he was not going to let her off of his sight, he decided that the moment he saw her.

"Why are you here Seungcheol ?" She finally took the courage to say his name, the very name that ignited the flames in her heart on that one fateful night they spend together.

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