III. Will

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Jeonghan's POV

"Elaine Riva is no more" I stare at my father surprised, She was a highly respected woman in the business world, a veteran, for her old age she was healthy but now she's gone. Mrs. Riva and my grandmother, Jung Yuri were really close friends as they met in Italy, even my father is well acquainted with her son. They have the tradition of passing down the business to the women of the family, Mrs. Riva had a daughter and a son but unfortunately her daughter passed away which lead to Mrs. Riva not retiring.

"So when are we leaving for Italy?" I asked my father

"We'll be leaving in some minutes actually, I'm sorry son but this was so sudden and we are needed there" my father stated but my mother was acting rather strange. Does she have anything to add? .
"Mom are you okay you look nervous" i asked but she just lightly smiled at me and hurried off to get ready for the journey.

We were headed to Italy in our private jet, travelling was never a stranger to me but lacking sleep was exhausting me I was awakened from my thoughts when I realised my parents were looking at me for a long time.

"Are you both sure there's nothing you want to tell me because you both look like you do and when did Aera get in?" I ask puzzled looking at my younger sister who's passed out on one of the seats.

"Son, we need to talk" my father tells me
"Hear your father out before you get upset alright" my mother follows, now this is making me nervous.

"Remember how close Mrs.Riva and your grandmother was" my father starts. "They were really close that they wanted their kids to marry each other but Mrs. Riva's daughter passed away at a young age. Then it was just me and Claude, her son. We married the loves of our lives and had beautiful children, my first child being you and after some years his youngest being Veronika."

Veronika. That name , how can I miss that?, She is one of the most popular heirs in the broad business world, she's quiet mysterious, doesn't appear much in public but her hand was always there behind the scenes supervising, under her grandmother's lead. The chosen one to take over Riva Corp, she's the next Riva woman and I bet she'll be just as great as her grandmother.

"Okay, so what?" I ask confused and my father smiles gently before saying what I thought I'll never hear in my life.

"Both of your grandmothers decided to promise you both to each other....as in marriage"


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