XXXIV. Catalyst

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The chandelier in the middle of the big room hung witness to everything and everyone who stepped in. In the crowd of people, elites grouped and conversed, making new friends and connections.

The bunch from Seoul stood almost in the middle of the huge room inspecting the interiors and decorations, marveling at the scale, they had done a good job. They conversed within themselves as Jeonghan was getting impatient by the minute, where is she? He kept on looking at the entrance.

"She'll be here any minute now, don't worry" Markus had reassured before he went to talk to other guests.

Seungcheol also looked puzzled but expectant, most of them didn't understand and didn't dare to question seeing that the eldest would have a reason for having his eyes fixed to the entrance identical to Jeonghan's. Joshua just stared at the duo in wonder, how I wish I had someone good to look forward to, he thought to himself.

He had a girlfriend who apparently was screwing around with his business associate. It took all of his might to not destroy the other man's career, his ethics didn't allow him to do so.

For his age he really wanted to be in a serious relationship, the recent betrayal didn't shake him off of his resolve as his feelings for his ex were not much solid, so Joshua Hong was feeling rather lonely this evening.

The others also had their own version of inner monologues, hidden behind their tough, strong, elegant frames, each to unfold with time.

As the sun went down, and night approached, the whole room hushed, their focus on the entrance, the Riva family had entered leaving only Veronika behind. If someone had to make an entrance that moment it was to be Veronika. Just then the doors open revealing the well known trio, the Riva heir being in the middle joined by her friends on her sides.

The three of them had their own auras, the feminine power they held as they walked in looking like goddesses. They knew all eyes were on them but their eyes, particularly Veronika's were on the man she had on her mind all the time.

Ruth could feel his gaze on her, it made her excited out of nowhere, the spark in her burned as she finally acknowledged him from a distance.

Meanwhile Alessia saw the familiar faces of Mingyu and Jungkook, immediately identifying her bestfriend's husband among the bunch, which one of them is Seungcheol ?, and so many options wow, she thought as she did a quick scan of the group,following her friends.

They went ahead and greeted their own families before going to the others. Veronika stood back with her parents and brothers, she looked over to place Jeonghan in the crowd only to see the latter staring at her.

One look from her was enough to make Jeonghan move from his place and walk over to where she was, his sudden move was expected but still surprised the guys, he was steady in his steps yet smoothly striding over catching the eyes of other guests there.

It had dawned to him that their marriage was still a secret to the public but he didn't care as he joined his wife, naturally holding her waist and exchanging greetings with his in-laws. The sight shocked the people present, they were not expecting this union, most of them envied while others admired the couple.

Out of all the strangers only one pair of eyes looked uninterested, Elijah stared at the couple, eventhough she was sporting a nonchalant look, she was burning with jealousy inside, maybe it was her stepmother's words or what, it was working on her, I'm supposed to be the one there. She thought as she shifted her gaze from Riva to Riva. She was there to witness the "glorious" moment of Riva corp being handed to Veronika Riva.

"You smell nice" Veronika whispers to him, breathing in his scent, which made her feel safe. Jeonghan leaned in, placing a sweet kiss making her smile.

"People are watching" She murmurmed as she turned towards her family, all of them were in awe of the couple, siblings and friends smirked witness the exchange compared to the surprised guests.

"Let them watch" He whispered back to her as he kissed the side of her head, smiling back at others.

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