XV. Adore

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Jeonghan hasn't had a good sleep until now, Veronika puts him at ease. He wanted to be with her more, it was healthy, at the same time dangerous for him, she is an attractive woman who every man desires for, who every woman wants to be and she is to be his and his only, the urge to have her, growing day by day. Jeonghan had decided to hold on to her and never let go.

The way both of them felt about eachother was rather foreign, never have they ever got close to a person this fast, maybe it was the situation in which they were in making them closer, most probably, but it could've gone wrong. Both of their thoughts occupied with eachother even if they try to deny it.

After the conversation by the pool, they went on to walk around the mansion, and later on Veronika almost dragged Jeonghan inside, in order to get him to rest. "You need sleep Jeonghan, your eyes really don't lie" she said mockingly, hinting at the dark circles around his eyes. She literally pushed him inside his room.

"Eager to be in my room, I see" He teases letting out a yawn.

"I'm literally outside han, I'm serious, go sleep now" she replies amused at how he's still flirting when he's almost shutting down for the day.

"Call me han, I like it, it sounds good coming from you, sweetheart" he continues, looking at her smiling gently.

They were making eachother's heart race, both of their heart fluttering from the exchange. She was thinking how to get the man in front of her to rest, she was feeling sorry as he came straight for her even after an exhausting day.

She bravely takes a step forward upto him, gently moving the hair which fell on his eyes with her hand finally resting on his face, examining, with him looking down at her, "Good night Han, Sleep well" she says.

Jeonghan was melting at her gesture, yes, the cunning, manipulative, brilliant, business mastermind Yoon Jeonghan was melting into her caress. He held his hand over her's while leaning in to her touch, "What are you doing to me Ver?" He says lightly laughing, tired.

"I wonder" she replies caressing him face. "Sleep, you need it, it's okay to take a small break."

He knew it but never heeded when others told him the same as he didn't feel like hearing them out, he's always happy to hear others out except when they start advising him, he didn't like making others worried, he felt like it was somehow oddly unnecessary; but Veronika was having a different effect on him and he liked it.

"I will, Good night" He says before placing a gentle kiss on her forehead, the contact felt electric for both of them.

Veronika was blushing, never have a man had this effect on her but she's keeping calm because it's him. She moves away gently, their touch lingering on eachother as she goes back to her room.

She closes her door, getting inside, leaning against the door taking a minute to calm her racing heart, this man is unhealthy for my heart, she thinks to herself. She then went on to lie down, staring at the ceiling, replaying the moment between them, she felt warm at the thought.

Jeonghan showered and went on to sleep, smiling the whole time, this was so unlikely of him, he had a reason to smile now, he silently thanked both of their grandparents for being the reason they met, drifting off to sleep with ease.

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