XXXIX. Timely

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Finally the guests all left and only the family remained, along with some of the guys and the girls. The room was quiet but it didn't hide the anxious stances, especially of the parents. Jeonghan decided to wait , he trusted her, deep down he knew this was somehow connected to the whole situation with Elijah as well.

When Claude came to know about his daughter's disappearance, he thought Elijah was behind it until he got to know about her message to Jeonghan. Katheryn on the other hand stood firm against her husband, she knew, wherever Veronika went, she had purpose and she trusted her little girl. All the while Kai stood back, away from the agitated group that even Markus noticed.

"What is it?" He questioned his elder brother.

"Our little girl is safe, don't worry, she will come in any minute, prepared to be surprised, that's all the clues I got." Kai replied sighing.

On the other side of the room, a sobered up Ruth and worried Alessia sat, tired.

"Both of you must be tired, go home girls, we'll tell you when she's back, there's nothing to worry, trust me." Katheryn told the two, giving them a tired smile.

"The guys are going back too, they can drop you both and I'll tell you as soon as she's back." Jeonghan said while Alessia looked unsure and Ruth nodded with a polite smile. "I promise" He assured them.

"I'll drop them " Seungcheol volunteered, going ahead, "I'll join" Joshua said as he joined him along with Mingyu, followed by the girls.

Silence again filled the room as the others left, Jeonghan answered a call from his father who checked in on the situation. He had sent his parents and Aera to the place they were staying, in Riva property itself.

"What is happening son?" Claude finally asked, lost in thought which grabbed the attention of the other men in the room. Markus looked at Jeonghan who understood the question was towards not him, but Kai, who also stared back at him.

"I can't say much father, in fact I'm also quite in the dark about this, but grandma entrusted this task to Ver and whatever it is, I trust her on it" Kai affirmed as he placed a reassuring hand on his father's shoulders.

When it came to his daughter Claude was protective, eventhough he knew how things were, his only daughter meant the world to him, her personality is similar to that of his sister whom he treasured and that lose hurt him. He couldn't stand the thought of losing his little one.

The ever talkative and bright Markus was quiet, worried but he also trusted and counted on his sister, as the caring guy he was, deep down, he also worried for everyone. He slowly went to sit beside his mother and he held her close.

Jeonghan observed the family, although they looked tough, they were just like any family and he for the first time all the while realised that the heart of this family was entrusted to him and he felt the heaviness of the responsibility but his love and admiration for the woman who is the love of his life made it easier for him.

Love is never easy but it was worth living for, he had understood the meaning of those words now, everything just reminded him how much he loved his wife, that he had put his heart on the line. So he waited, because he too, trusted her without hesitation.

His thoughts were interrupted when the clack of heels were heard, his eyes followed the source of the sound, an unharmed, but nervous Veronika appeared. The room suddenly erupted in relieved sighs with the family checking on her, saying their worries while Jeonghan remained seated, the heaviness in his chest disappearing as if he started breathing properly, he silently thanked the heavens.

He didn't realise his eyes were moist from the overwhelming emotions as he stared back at the already peering eyes of his wife, whose face immediately changed seeing her husband's state. Without waiting another second she rushed into his arms, both of them holding eachother tight.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I'm here han" she repeatedly assured her husband, who hushed her apologies.

"You're here, I'm glad you're here" He says almost like reassuring himself to snap out of whatever mind space he went into, she held the key to his sanity and it was crystal clear. The nonchalant side of him wondered What have you done Veronika?.

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