Aqua Pups: Moby the Beastly Mer-Pup King

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(scene opens to Junk Island with Moby and McSquidly just as Hex arrives with levithan pup Pearl, Flotsam the kraken pup, and Mana queen dragon pup)

Moby: Hex, what exactly are we doing again?

Hex: (shrugs) Just having a little fun!

Moby: Why did you ask them to come?

Pearl: Hex needs us around to try an experiment!

Mana: After seeing what happened with Gasket involving ifrit and dragon pup magic, Hex wants to try something with three magic creation scrolls!

Hex: Yep!

(scene changes to few minutes later with one pile consisting of vial of kraken pup ink with a sapphire, second having scale/fur of a dragon pup on a big ice cube, and the third and last pile leviathan pup tooth and another sapphire in a conch shell)

Moby: (unsure) Um?

Hex: We need the presence of the dragon pup queen for their recipe and a leviathan pup for their recipe!

Flotsam: She needed me to provide the kraken pup ink!

Moby: Will this hurt?

Hex: You'll just be magically transformed, pretty much painless! Now just lay on all three groups of items!

Moby: What's with an ice cube!

Hex: (shrugs) Ice related power for the dragon part!

Moby: Okay! (closes eyes and lays on all three groups of items)

(all three groups of items magically merge with Moby as he is turned into a leviathan, kraken, and dragon pup hybrid in a freaky leviathan pup form)

Others: Whoa!

Moby: What? (notices his reflection in the water) (startled) Gah! Sea monster!

Hex: (calmly) Moby, it's just you! Try thinking of your pup self!

Moby: (reverts to mutated version of himself) Whoa! I look different!

Hex: (to Pearl, Flotsam, and Mana) Thank all three of you for granting us some of your time!

Flotsam: Back to my daughter for me!

Mana: Same!

Pearl: Mom was nice to let me come to her place!

Mana: (opens a portal before Flotsam, Mana, and Pearl all walk through the portal) See you later Hex!

Hex: Thanks again girls!

(the trio leave and the portal closes)

Moby: (checks himself out) I look way beastly! (exhales ice) (surprised) Gah! I've got icy breath!

Hex: Yep! (picks up the empty vial) (to Moby) The only thing that didn't magically merge with you was the vial holding the kraken ink!

Moby: Please tell me there's a way to undo this transformation?

Hex: (nods) It can be reversed like nothing happened!

Moby: (relieved) Phew! (realizes) Wait, leviathan pups can breathe underwater right?

Hex: (unsure) Maybe?

Moby: You forgot too?

Hex: (embarrassed) (blushes) Maybe a little?

Moby: (shrugs) Come on McSquidly, let's have a little fun! (concernedly looks at hex)

Hex: (nods) I promise I'll bring someone over to undo this magical change Moby!

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