Paw Patrol: Travis on Amazon Pup Island

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(scene opens to the past on an isolated island with several female pups known as Ivy, Magenta, Twilight, Ocean Lily, Cloudy, and their queen Marigold)

Marigold: (depressed sigh)

Magenta: (walks over) Something wrong my queen?

Marigold: Oh not much, I just wish to have daughters of my own to raise?

Ivy: Why would you want that my queen?

Marigold: (shrugs) Just have the experience of having a family of my own to love and raise!

Cloudy and Twilight: Queen Marigold, we've got a cloaked stranger here! (drags in a cloaked pup figure)

Marigold: Explain yourself stranger!?

(the figure lowers their cloak revealing to be Melody)

Melody: (bows) I am Melody, current queen of the genie pups!

Marigold: (curiously) The genie pups as in the kindhearted wish granting pups?

Melody: (nods) We know how to be fierce when we wanna be!

Marigold: (chuckles) Welcome! Girls, at ease!

Cloudy and Twilight: Why should we trust her, our queen?

Melody: (grabs both of their paws then slams them against the ground)

Cloudy and Twilight: (hits the ground) Oof! (chuckles) Now that was an effective strike!

Marigold: (laughs) Nicely done!

Melody: (reveals her genie bottle on her belt) If you like, I could grant your wish of having daughters?

Marigold: (surprised) You'd do that?

Melody: (smiles and nods)

Marigold: (realizes) Wait, if you queen why aren't you in your kingdom?

Melody: I asked my sisters Venus and Wildfire if they could go watch over the kingdom while I'm on a little adventure!

Marigold: (chuckles) Fair enough!

Melody: (curiously) So mind telling me why only girls are here?

Marigold: Oh, we're just Amazon pups, an all girl race!

Melody: Seriously girl?

Marigold: We used to have men come for visits so we could mate, but my deceased mother ordered it to stop after a betrayal from a dark one!

Melody: (sniffles) How sad!

Marigold: (nods) The six of us are the last of the Amazon pups!

Melody: I can see why you'd like a family!

Marigold: I'd just really enjoy having daughters to love and raise to be fierce warriors!

Melody: Any magic in your race?

Marigold: Powerful athletic female pups we train to be in peak condition while having magically enhanced endurance, healing, super jump, and incredible stamina so we don't tire out so easily)

Melody: Impressive!

Marigold: Say you seem like a fit lady, how's about a little wrestling?

Melody: Sure! I could use a little spar!

(scene changes to an arena where Melody and Marigold remove their excess clothes feeling the wind in their fur)

Marigold: Ah! Feeling the wind in our fur!

Melody: Yep!

Marigold and Melody: You ready? (chuckles) Gladly!

(Marigold and Melody wrestle with Marigold pinning down Melody)

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