Paw Patrol: Aquamarine's Sisters and Mother

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(scene opens to Mason's library where a depressed Aquamarine is by herself carefully reading two books at once)

Mason: (walks over) (calmly) Aquamarine?

Aquamarine: (looks up) (sighs) (left head) Hi... (right head) ...Mason!

Mason: You okay girl, you've been cooped up in the library for a few days!

Aquamarine: I'm just sad I might be the only Orthrus Pup left in existence!

Mason: (calmly) Girls, we don't know that for sure!

Aquamarine: (sighs) We know we have each other, but it can be slightly understood why we're kinda lonely!

Mason: (hugs to comfort Aquamarine) We'll look around to see if there are any other Orthrus Pups in that world!

Aquamarine: (both heads smile upon hearing that) We'd really like that!

(scene changes to Scallywag's Island where Tracker and Carlos carefully arrive)

Tracker: (worried) Carlos, why are we here again?

Carlos: Just checking to see if Jack Scallywag might've left a second stash of treasure somewhere!

Tracker: Just don't play any buried instruments, we don't wanna repeat like last time!

Carlos: (nods) I can agree with you on that amigo!

Sound: (rustling)

Tracker: (alert) Carlos, I heard something in the bushes!

Carlos: What was it?

Tracker: I'm not sure, but I heard two voices quietly talking to each other!

Carlos: Two voices? Hm? (to bushes) Excuse us, are you both friendly?

Female voices: Are you armed?

Carlos: (surprised) What!? Why would I be armed, I'm an archaeologist?

Tracker: Si!

(two husky heads stick out of the bushes)

Tracker: Hi! Who are you two?

Both: Vermillion!

Carlos: Hold on, you're both named Vermillion?

Both: (nods) Yep!

Tracker: Pardon me, but could we please see the rest of you?

Vermillion: Promise not to hurt us?

Carlos and Tracker: We both promise, we're both friendly!

(Vermillion steps out of the bushes revealing both heads are part of an Orthrus Pup)

Carlos and Tracker: (surprised) Whoa! Another Orthrus Pup!

Vermillion: (eyes widen) Did you say another?

Tracker: Yes, (confused) why?

Vermillion: I'm one of three triplets! We're lost at sea while secretly traveling around the world with mom! Mom is also lost too!

Carlos: What are all your names?

Vermillion: Our mom Colora, me, Violet, and Aquamarine!

Carlos: Does Aquamarine happen to have a head with blue eyes and another with green?

Vermillion: (surprised) You've seen our sister!?

Tracker: Si! But we have no idea where she is at the moment!

Vermillion: (sighs) Oh! We've been isolated here for years! (looks closer) Say you two look familiar? (realizes) Now I remember, you two were looking for Jack Scallywag's treasure along with some friends some time ago!

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