Paw Patrol: The Scepter of the Lycan Pup Queen

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(scene opens to Mason's archipelago universe where he's spending some time with Moonbeam and her daughters Dot and Luna)

Mason: Feels nice spending time together, girls!

Moonbeam: It sure is dear!

Luna and Dot: Yeah!

Moonbeam: (looks over at Melody who is using her tail to polish her family scepter)

Mason: (notices) You okay girl?

Moonbeam: (nods) I was just looking at Melody's family scepter!

Mason: (nods) The genie pup queen's wish empowerment scepter is quite special!

Moonbeam: (nods)

Mason: Hm? (has an idea) Come with my girls!

Melody: (notices) Hi guys!

Mason: Hi Melody! We're just gonna see if there's a scepter for Lycan pups in existence!

Melody: Let me know if you need a hand!

Mason: Will do!

Moonbeam: (smiles upon hearing that)

(scene changes to Mason and the Lycan pups in his headquarters magical library)

Moonbeam: So Mason, any books that can help us?

Mason: Yep! (raises his hands before a tome of beasts and a tome of infinite knowledge fly to him) I admit, I could've just summoned this!

Moonbeam: But a library is a peaceful place to read!

Mason: (nods) Yep! (notices two books) Wait, I only wanted the tome of infinite knowledge?

Luna: Mason, what's the other book?

Mason: Just a tome of beasts! Knowledge of every beast or monster in existence, if I remember correctly? Plus it can unleash those beasts one at a time!

Luna and Dot: Ooh!

Mason: Luckily, I tweaked them so the beasts can't escape unless we allow it!

Luna: Mind if we check out the beast tome?

Mason: Okay, but do not let the beasts out!

Dot: Of course Mason!

Luna: We're not crazy! (giggles)

(Mason and Moonbeam go to a table with the tome of infinite knowledge)

Moonbeam: (opens to book to find it's blank) (confused) Huh?

Mason: It is magical, girl! (to book) Please show us a scepter for Lycan pups!

(the book changes bringing up a scepter)

Moonbeam: We have something!

Mason: (reads it) It's called the Lycan Pup Queen's Transformation Scepter! It says it has the same magic as your amulets but it is able to make normal and cursed Lycan pups!

Moonbeam: My word!

Mason: (notices something) Ooh! It says here that it can also help control the cursed pups making them into loyal servants to the holder of this scepter! Also it says it can switch pups between cursed, normal Lycan pups, and normal pups with ease! But it only controls cursed Lycan pups!

Moonbeam: Whoa!

Mason: It says this scepter helped protect lives by enabling a past Lycan pup queen to stop her pack who accidentally or were tricked into wearing cursed amulets! And it can also magically create both kinds of amulet and generate moonlight to shine through the night!

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