Paw Patrol: The Chimera Pup Scroll

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(scene opens to the Chimera Pup sparing against several Vivix in Mason's personal arena)

Chimera Pup: (growls) Bring it on aliens!

(Vivix charge at the Chimera Pup who jumps to dodge while his snake tail bites one of the Vivix making it fall and go poof)

Vivix: (annoyed grunts)

(the Chimera pup uses its dragon head to headbutt the Vivix into the wall making it go poof)

Chimera Pup: (chuckles) Fun place for training!

Mason: (walks over) Here boy!

Chimera Pup: (happily) Mason! (walks over)

Mason: I was thinking we should give you a name, boy!

Chimera Pup: Hm? A name does sound quite nice, any ideas?

Mason: I do have one, if you like it?

Chimera Pup: (curiously) What is it?

Mason: How about Fang!

Chimera Pup: Hm... Fang? (chuckles) Sounds like a great and fierce name, I like it!

Mason: Fang the Chimera Pup, it does have a nice ring to it!

Fang: (chuckles) Yep!

(the Pup Goddess of Magic appears)

Pup Goddess of Magic: Mason, a word please! (notices Fang) Oh the Chimera Pup, been awhile!

Fang: You know me?

Pup Goddess of Magic: We helped make you dear, we just forgot to name you!

Fang: Mason picked Fang for a name!

Pup Goddess of Magic: (giggles) It does sound suitable for you boy! (stops giggling) (looks at Mason) Thought you'd like to know the chimera pup creation recipe scroll has resurfaced!

Fang: (surprised) The scroll for my kind scroll!

Pup Goddess of Magic: (nods) Yep!

Fang: (whimpering) (to Mason) Mason, please let me come! This is a scroll for my kind!

Mason: (nods) Sure boy, but I'd like to invite someone else to join us!

Fang: (curiously) Who?

(scene changes to the jungle where Mayor Humdinger and Harold stumble upon a bottle with the scroll inside)

Harold: (picks up bottle) Uncle Mayor, I believe we found something!

Mayor Humdinger: (scoffs) Harold, that's just garbage!

Harold: How do you know it's not a possible lost magic pup creating scroll!

Mayor Humdinger: (eyes widen) Well if it is, then we can use it to our advantage!

Harold: Yeah! (opens the bottle and manages to get the scroll out)

Mayor Humdinger: What's it say, nephew?

Harold: Yep! This is a scroll, but this one is for a chimera pup!

Mayor Humdinger: (confused) What's that?

Male voice: Me!

(Fang leaps out of the nearby bushes)

Fang: Hand over the scroll!

Mayor Humdinger: I'm just gonna take a lucky guess and say he's a chimera pup!

Harold: (nods) Yep!

Fang: I am Fang the Chimera Pup, hand over the scroll for my kind!

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