Dino Rescue: Amber's Lost Family

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(scene opens to the Lookout where Amber the Hydra pup with three heads is playing tug a war with Skye & Chase, Marshall & Rocky, Zuma & Rubble with three separate tugging toys)

Skye: (giggles) Kinda fun to be playing three games of tug a war at once with Amber!

Amber: (generates a fourth head) Yeah! (the fourth head recedes and vanishes)

Ryder: (to self) I have to admit, this is kinda impressive to watch!

Mirage: (walks over) Yep!

Ryder: (notices) Hi Mirage! Nice seeing you girl!

Mirage: (nods) You too Ryder!

(scene changes to the Dino Wilds at a stone wall that Rex and Taylor walk past)

Rex: Wow! Such a nice day for a peaceful walk!

Taylor: It sure is Rex, feels like nothing could go wrong!

(once the twosome are outta the way the wall suddenly begins to crack)

Sound: (several booms)

(the wall the crumbles revealing four hydra pup silhouettes)

Female voice: Finally free of that mountain!

Other female voices: How'd we get down there again mom?

Mother Hydra pup: Girls we got separated from Amber and there was that cave in! Lapis, Emerald, and Amethyst we shall not stop until we find my eldest daughter who is your oldest sister!

Lapis, Emerald, and Amethyst: (nods) Okay Crystal, we mean mom!

Crystal: (giggles) Come along girls, we've got family to find!

Lapis, Emerald, and Amethyst: We agree mom!

Crystal: (looks around) (confused) Um?

Emerald: Are we lost, mom?

Crystal: (sighs and nods)

Mason: (walks over) Hello!

Crystal: Attacker! (leaps at Mason then pins him down) I've got you now!

Mason: (calmly) Oh really? (uses the hephaestan neuro grip on her)

Crystal: (twitches and falls limp on Mason)

Lapis, Emerald, and Amethyst: (shocked gasps) Mom!

Mason: (gently gets the female hydra pup off him)

Emerald: What did you do to our mom!?

Crystal: (calmly) At ease girls, he only did something to make my body go limp!

Mason: (gently scratches Crystal by her neck)

Crystal: (eyes widen) Ooh! (happily) That's my favorite spot to be scratched!

Mason: I found Amber liked being scratched there too!

Lapis, Emerald, and Amethyst: (surprised) Amber!?

Crystal: (unsure) Amber? Does she happen to have orange and gray fur?

Mason: Does she have red eyes too!

Crystal: (surprised gasps) Could it be?

Mason: (calmly) Wait, are you family to Amber? I don't think she ever mentioned family?

Crystal: We've been apart for years so she might've forgotten about or possible amnesia?

Mason: Just so I know are you dangerous?

Crystal: We only fight if threatened! Also we've been stuck under a mountain of mountain range for years!

Mason: How'd you survive?

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