Magic Paw Tales: Creation of New Helpers

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(scene opens to show Mason with Reece and Lilac in the Magic Paw Recycling Center/Scrapyard which happens to have a lot of discarded mailboxes and safes)

Lilac: Wow! We certainly have a lot of old mail boxes nobody wants anymore!

Reece: Plus some safes that had the same issue!

Mason: (remembers when Eco shipped Harold in a crate) I think you mom helped inspire me for another helper!

Reece: (curiously) What kind?

Eco's voice: Did I hear my name?

(Eco walks over with Forge, Clutter, and Debris)

Mason: Hi pups!

Forge: All your missing is Proxy and Rainbow, then all the named sentinel pups would be here!

Mason: Good point Forge!

(Proxy and Rainbow appear behind Mason)

Mason: (notices) Hi girls! How was your mission?

Proxy: (nods) The mission was a success! We completely kept out of sight and now Victoria Vance is locked behind bars!

Rainbow: I made sure to stay silent too so neither of us were detected!

Mason: Plus with the powers of every magic pup breed, the sentinel pups are a force to be reckoned with!

Proxy: (giggles) True!

Mason: (summons the Crystal Glasses then checks the future) Yep! Victoria Vance had no clue since you left no trace of yourselves and is upset that the "ghosts" who ratted her location can never be found ever! (puts the Crystal glasses into his satchel) Glad nobody else is here to see this magic!

Proxy and Rainbow: (giggles) We'll be back in the Magic Paw Inn/Arena! (both walk off together)

Mason: (nods) All good girls and great seeing you again! Now it's time for some new projects! (snaps fingers to pause time) Time paused!

Eco: Wow! (chuckles) This is still very impressive!

Mason: Thanks Eco!

Clutter: I really enjoy our pup forms over that pup themed helper chest form!

Mason: Understandable, after all you have really bellies for belly rubs!

Clutter: (giggles) Yeah!

Forge: Need a paw Mason?

Mason: Perhaps? Forge could you please help me move about ten safes and nine mailboxes into the open?

Forge: Sure!

(Mason and Forge go off starting to move those things into the open)

Eco: (looks at her four pups) Hm?

Lilac: Mom?

Eco: I was just wondering about how it would feel to truly feel like you mom! (places her paw on her belly)

Reece: I have a lucky guess of what you have in mind!

Eco: Pups?

Lilac: (smiles and nods) Sure mom!

Others: (nods understandingly)

(an hour later)

(Mason and Forge finish setting up the safes and mailboxes)

Mason: Thanks Forge!

Forge: No problem!

Eco's voice: Oh honey!

Forge: (looks back finding Eco with an enlarged belly) Eco, my love? What happened?

Eco: (smiles) I'm pregnant!

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