Paw Patrol: The Sentinel Pups and Leaf's Family Empowerment

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(scene opens to the pup god and goddess realm where the pup gods are kinda bored until the Pup God of Creation stumbles upon a scroll)

Pup God of Creation: (notices scroll) What's this?

Pup Goddess of Magic: (curiously) What'd you find?

Pup God of Creation: (reveals the scroll) I stumbled upon this! (opens the scroll) Whoa!

Pup Goddess of Magic: (reads the scroll) Ooh! Something called a pup sentinel, sounds interesting!

Pup God of Creation: Agreed my friend! So you wanna try making one?

Pup Goddess of Magic: How about one very unique one? We can have the rest be male and female but one should be named!

Pup God of Creation: (smiles and nods) We'll use dalmatian and husky fur for them!

Pup Goddess of Magic: (giggles) Creative!

(scene changes to later when an several hundred sentinel pups have been created by the Pup Goddess of Life, Pup Goddess of Magic, and Pup God of Creation working together and one particular sentinel pup has rainbow of spots on her tummy)

Pup God of Creation: Sentinel pups?

All Sentinel Pups: Hi!

Pup Goddess of Magic: We wanted to ask what you want to do with your lives?

All Sentinel Pups: Protect the innocents and trusted friends, stand and keep watch of all, and never lose hope!

Unique Sentinel Pup: Protect the innocents and true friends, stand and keep watch of all, never lose hope, and explore the unexplored!

Pup Goddess of Magic: (notices which Sentinel Pup said that) Pardon which one said the exploration?

Unique Sentinel Pup: (steps forward) I'm sorry, I should've said that!

Pup Goddess of Magic: (calmly) (places paw on the pup's shoulder) You've got nothing wrong to apologize for, my friend! (curiously) What's your name?

Unique Sentinel Pup: (sighs)

Pup Goddess of Magic: (realizes) You don't have one, do you?

Unique Sentinel Pup: (nods)

Pup Goddess of Magic: Hm? (has an idea) How about Proxy?

Unique Sentinel Pup: (surprised) Proxy?

Pup Goddess of Magic: (nods) If you like that name, my new friend?

Unique Sentinel Pup: (smiles) I kinda like the name, Proxy! (giggles)

Pup God of Creation: (to other Sentinel Pups) You are all welcome to select your own names, we respect your choices!

Sentinel Pups: (talk about possible names)

Pup Goddess of Life: We also respect your choices if you fall in love and if you'd like to start families in the future, when you're ready!

Sentinel Pups: (kneels and bows to the pup gods with respect)

Pup God of Death: (walks over) I must admit, these Sentinel Pups look quite powerful and noble!

Pup Goddess of Life: (nods) They sure do!

Pup God of Creation: (thinking to self) Hm?

Pup Goddess of Magic: Something up?

Pup God of Creation: I was just thinking about making a weapon the sentinel pups could use to aid in times of troubles if they chose!

Pup Goddess of Magic: Well we do have a friend who could help design something just like that!

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