Paw Patrol: The Princess turned into a Magic Pup Hybrid

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(scene opens to the desert where Gasket worriedly sits in front of a rock while Hubcap, Dwayne, Mirage, and Fungus sit behind Mason who is hold something new)

Gasket: (worriedly) Mason, what are you doing to me again?

Mason: (calmly) Calm down Gasket, it's a test run of the magic pup transformation capsule!

Dwayne: What does it do, Mason?

Mason: It's loaded with ingredients for the magic scrolls, it can make magic pup or hybrid pups!

Mirage: It even has a work around for the requirement of the presence of certain magic pups!

Gasket: Why am I doing this again?

Mirage: We promised a big crate of pup food to the whole group if one of you agreed to this harmless test!

Mason: It's basically like a water balloon Gasket! (throws it at Gasket) Here comes one with a dragon pup transformation!

(the capsule splats on Gasket's chest)

Gasket: (feels herself) Oh! That didn't hurt one bit!

Mason: They're like water balloons when loaded!

Gasket: (body mutates into that of a dragon pup) Whoa!

Mason: How about a little yeti pup added! (reveals another capsule) This ones got yeti pup power!

Gasket: Mason, wait! What dragon breath do I have?

Mason: (realizes) Oh! I think it was randomized or maybe fire?

Gasket: (spits out a fireball toward a rock) (chuckles) Sweet!

Dwayne: Cool!

(Mason throws another and Gasket becomes part yeti pup)

Gasket: (feels her muscle) I've been working out! (exhales finds out she has icy breath) Wow! Fire and ice!

Mason: Gasket, we're changing you back to normal!

Gasket: (shrugs) I understand!

Hubcap: No way Gasket, don't let them do it!

Gasket: You know I could just eat you now that I'm part yeti and dragon pup!

Hubcap: (eyes widen) (nervous gulp) On second thought it's your choice!

Mirage and Gasket: (giggles)

Gasket: Okay guys, I'm ready!

Mason: (reveals a magic pup reversal & unfusion amulet) (gently taps it on Gasket making her revert to normal and both capsules reappear in front of her)

Gasket: (notices) Huh?

Mason: It must've recreated the capsules!

Mirage: Allow me! (makes both capsules vanish)

Claw's voice: Hand over that new trinket Mason!

(the group looks over finding Claw with the Duke of Flappington)

Duke of Flappington: Now hand over your new trinket Mason, along with your satchel!

Mason: Fungus, please escort the crate to the Ruff-Ruff Pack's hideout!

Fungus: Follow me Ruff-Ruff Pack! (summons the pup food crate and teleported the Ruff-Ruff Pack and their belongings away including himself)

Claw: Hand over that stuff!

Mason: (takes out the Fist of Tebigong from his satchel then puts it on) I don't give up without a fight!

Mirage: Yeah!

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