Magic Paw Tales: Vacuuming up Problems

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(scene opens to show Mason with Lilac in her pup form in the Magic Paw Recycling Center/Scrapyard)

Lilac: (sitting on top of an inactive builder bin helper) (curiously) Some Mason, what's today's projects?

Mason: (snaps fingers to pause time for everyone but them ) I thought some Vacuum Bin Helpers and Super Vacuum Bin Helpers could help keep things tidy and stuff!

Lilac: So vacuum-like bin helpers? Interesting?

Mason: (nods understandingly) (works his magic to create nine different colored Vacuum Bin Helpers and six differently colored Super Vacuum Bin Helpers before having them all mass produced in seconds) Tada! (snaps fingers to unpause time with ease)

Lilac: (giggles) Nicely done Mason! (touched) I'm also touched that you're spending time with me!

Mason: (gently pets Lilac) You know I love and care for every magic pup welcomed into the family no matter what, Lilac!

Lilac: (blushes and gently nuzzles Mason's hand) Thanks Mason, that was very sweet to know!

Mason: (smiles) Anytime girl!

Lilac: So whatcha wanna do with these new vacuum themed helpers?

Mason: I also gave them filters to sort things like oil and water then expel the water later on!

Lilac: (giggles) Magical I presume?

Mason: Maybe a little?

Lilac: So wanna go see the pups?

Mason: Sure! (whistles) Do any of you Super Vacuum Bin Helpers mind carrying us over to Jake's mountain?

(an orange super vacuum bin helper marches over welcome the twosome aboard)

Mason: Thanks buddy!

(the orange super vacuum bin helper super jumps offscreen with Mason and Lilac cheering as the scene changes to Jake's mountain where Jake, Ryder, Chase, and Skye are near a large thorny bush)

Jake: Ryder dude, how are we gonna get them outta there?

(camera moves over showing Everest and Marshall stuck under directly under the thorny bush)

Everest: (sighs) At least we're not all scratched up!

Marshall: I'm sorry for accidentally getting us stuck here Everest!

Everest: (smiles) I know it was a total accident! Plus it was a miracle neither of us got scratched by the thorns when we slid into it!

Jake: No worries Marshall, I know it was an accident too! Though next time I'm making sure any thorny bushes are moved away from the slopes!

Marshall: That sounds like a good idea Jake!

Sound: (footsteps approaching)

Chase: Someone's coming!

Skye: (looks over seeing Mason and Lilac riding over on something) All good Chase, it's Mason and Lilac, (slightly confused) looks like they're on a moving dumpster or something?

(Mason and Lilac arrive still riding on the orange super vacuum bin helper)

Mason: Hi guys! Anything up?

Ryder: More like down, Everest and Marshall are stuck under that thorn bush and it's proven very tricky to help them out without the thorns hurting them!

Jake: (looks at the helper) Say, where are the fingers on these dumpster helpers?

Mason: Actually it's new, my buddies made it and this is called a super vacuum bin helper!

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