Aqua Pups: Pups stop Mer-Queen Sweetie

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(scene opens to show Mason, Gasket, Mirage, Melody, Tundra, Snowball, Snowflake, and Snowdrop on a brand new but empty barge for transporting things)

Gasket: Wow! How'd you get the barge Mason?

Mason: Oh that's easy, you'd be surprised how much useful stuff folks around the multiverse discard! And this was brand new, also we got it from the elemental brawlers to be honest!

Mirage: Nice place! Big enough to sun tan and go fishing for fish or junk!

Gasket: Hm? Not a bad idea buddy!

Mason: (pulls fish friendly fishing rods out of his satchel) Fishing rods for us!

Tundra: You all go ahead, I'd like to catch some sun!

Melody: Me too sis!

Snowball, Snowflake, and Snowdrop: Same as mom and aunt Melody!

Gasket: (shrugs) Guess it's just the three of us!

Mirage: Yep! Good thing there's plenty of space on this nice clean barge!

(scene changes to the trio now fishing off the side of the barge which is anchored down)

Gasket: Any luck?

Mirage: Nope!

(Mason's fishing rod moves)

Mason: I think I caught something! (reels in before a glowing blue bottle emerges) A glass bottle?

Mason: Hm? Interesting! (pulls the bottle closer finding shards of a genie bottle inside) Looks like the shards of a genie bottle are in here too!

Gasket: (surprised) Really!? (remembers something else) Mason, you also said something about a magical Mer-Moon?

Mason: It involved Mer-pups coming out to play and being able to turn normal pups into Mer-pup until the moon goes down or something like that?

Melody: (walks over) (curiously) What's that? (looks closer at the bottle finding a genie pup mark) (surprised gasps) That bottle has a genie pup mark!

Gasket and Mirage: (surprised) What!?

Mason: (surprised) Really!? (notices) Whoa! (rubs the bottle before a husky similar to Tundra emerges but is wearing a blue vest with a green crown and has a rainbow tail)

Gasket: Whoa! Another genie pup!

Genie Pup: (barfs up water) (female voice) Yuck! Swallowing ocean water can prove very tiresome after years!

Mason: Years? Say, haven't I seen you before?

Genie Pup: (looks at Mason) Mason? (affectionately hugs him) It's been so long!

Mason: (realizes) Ocean? Is that you girl?

Ocean: (nuzzles Mason) A genie pup queen of the ocean!

Melody: Mason, you know her?

Gasket: You know this new lady?

Mason: Yep! (pets Ocean) I might have done a little time and dimension travel before stumbling upon, Ocean and her timeline!

Melody: So is she family?

Mason: Yep! She's a twin sister to Charm!

Melody: Auntie?

Ocean: (looks at Melody then sees Tundra) Melody, Tundra, how are you girls! I thought you sank into the sea? Okay, not literally but I thought you were lost forever!

Tundra: (notices) Mind telling me?

Melody: She's like Willow, sis!

Tundra: (surprised) Auntie?

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