Rescue Knights: Return to the Cyclops Kingdom

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(scene opens to Barkingburg where Mason arrives with Tundra, Snowball, and Snowflake)

Tundra: Nice visiting Barkingburg with you Mason!

Mason: You too girls!

(the Air Patroller arrives overhead)

Snowball: Oh boy! The Paw Patrol's here!

(the Air Patroller lands revealing Ryder, and his pups which includes Everest)

Everest: Hi girls, Mason, how are you?

Tundra: We're all doing alright, dear!

Princess of Barkingburg: (walks over with Sweetie) It's so good seeing you again!

Ryder: You too princess!

Tundra: (to Mason) (curiously) Do you have that battle key to my old kingdom?

Princess of Barkingburg: (curiously) Your old kingdom?

Mason: (pets Tundra) She was queen to special cyclopses!

Princess of Barkingburg: Ooh!

Tundra: Allow me to tell the story, more or less!

(Tundra tells the group about a portion of her past but keeping Mason's secrets hidden while the Duke of Flappington and Claw overhear them)

Duke of Flappington: A vast world with cyclopses without their leader?

Claw: (confused) Just how is that interesting?

Duke of Flappington: If I could seize that kingdom, those cyclopses could aid us in seizing the throne of Barkingburg!

Claw: Hm? An army by our side instead of the four of us?

(scene returns to the group listening to Tundra's story)

Sweetie: So if you're here, then there's no queen?

Tundra: (shrugs) Somewhat, but it's a wintery landscape!

Sweetie: How long?

Tundra: All time, so it's cold there!

Sweetie: Noted!

Mason: (finds the Cyclops kingdom battle key) Found it!

Claw: (rushes over) (barks) Pincers! Same! (swipes the battle key)

Mason: Hey!

Tundra: Oh boy!

Claw: (runs over to the Duke of Flappington)

Duke of Flappington: (mocking) Haha! If I can seize the throne of that kingdom, not even the Rescue Knights can stop me!

Claw: Yeah!

Duke of Flappington: (takes a lucky guess how the key works and gets lucky) Ah ha!

Princess of Barkingburg: Stop him!

Duke of Flappington: (gets lucky and closes the portal) Tata!

Princess of Barkingburg: (worried) Oh dear! We can't stop him!

Mason: (coughs) (pulls out a copy of the battle key)

Tundra: Mason's got spares!

Princess of Barkingburg: Oh! That's good to know!

Ryder: Pups, sounds like we've got trouble!

Everest: (looks at Tundra and her daughters) Looks like we're headed back to your old kingdom girls!

Tundra: (nods) Yep!

Ryder: Rescue Knights, to the Castle Lookout!

(scene splits to show Ryder, Everest, Chase, and Zuma)

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