Paw Patrol: The Revival of the Dragon Pups Mother

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(scene opens to Mason following Mana toward the Dragon Highlands to where her kind were once sealed)

Mana: Thank you for agreeing to do this Mason!

Mason: I'm happy to help out girl!

Mana: I know it'd be great to see my mother again!

Mason: What's her name, Mana?

Mana: Magica! She passed away years ago, but I know her remains are intact!

(the twosome enter the sealed cave where the dragon pups were once held)

Mana: (sighs) This place again!

Mason: (looks around) Roomier than it looks!

Mana: (nods) Let's just find my mother's remains, then we get outta here!

Mason: I respect that, you don't wanna be trapped in this prison again!

Mana: (nods) (walks over to the skeletal remains of a particular dragon) (sad sighs) Mom!

Mason: (gently places his hand on the skeletal remains to read her past) (nods) Magica!

Mana: Is there anything you can do Mason?

Mason: (chuckles) Just ask Blaze and Quicksand, they were once deceased but they're alive again!

Mana: (slightly smiles) So it's possible?

Mason: (nods) Nothing is impossible for the elemental brawlers!

Mana: (gently places her paw on the remains) Mother, we'll be back together forever!

(Mason gently puts the remains into a pup coffin)

Mana: A coffin?

Mason: (nods)

Mana: Mason, could we bring the rest to your home so they could rest in peace?

Mason: (smiles and nods) It would be an honor to, my friend!

(scene changes to Mana, Marine, Prairie, and Rune with Mason in his undead universe where the remains of every deceased dragon pup in the cave have been gently placed in coffins and buried)

Marine: (sniffling) Thank you for giving the rest of our kind a proper burial Mason!

Mason: (nods) It's an honor to have them rest peaceful in my undead universe!

(the spirits of the deceased dragon pups emerge from their graves)

Dragon pups: (surprised) Whoa!

Dragon pups spirits: (surprised) Huh?

Mason: (explains everything including peace between dragon and genie pups)

Dragon pups spirits: (bows then all but one fly off to find places to call home in the afterlife)

Magica's spirit: (floats over) My daughters?

Mana, Marine, and Prairie: (tearfully) Mom!

Rune: (tearfully) Grandma!

(Magica's spirit look at Mana who nods)

Magica's spirit: (smiles) It's very nice to know I've also got a granddaughter too!

Mana: Mom, our new owner Mason says his kind can bring you back to the living!

Magica's spirit: (surprised) He can? (looks at Mason)

Mason: (nods) My kind can do anything imaginable including bringing back the deceased!

Magica's spirit: Also thank you for putting every last dragon pup to a peaceful rest!

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