Moto Pups: Gasket's Ground Shaking Motorcycle

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(scene opens to the Magic Paw Recycling Center/Scrapyard where Mason, Eco, and Lilac are placing a brand new magical platform)

Eco: (curiously) I know one's called a Magic Paw Super Recycler/Reformating Platform and the other one is called the Magic Paw Super Recycler/Transporter Platform, but what is this one?

Mason: It's the Magic Paw Mechanical Engineering/Reformatting Platform!

Lilac: Ooh! (curiously) How does it work?

Mason: It's like a magical workshop! You both know about Blaze and the Monster Machines, right?

Eco: Ooh! So it's similar to Blaze's transformations?

Mason: More or less! Your family in your robotic mode can help operate it or by using the tablets for the battle domes!

Sound: (footsteps)

(a trio of Earth Geargolems go past carrying a large steel beam)

Mason: Be careful you three!

Sound: (motorcycle approaching)

(Hubcap, Gasket, and Dwayne drive into the scrapyard on their motorcycles)

Hubcap, Gasket, and Dwayne: Ruff Ruff Pack! Ruff Ruff Pack!

Mason: (calmly) What brings you three here?

Hubcap: We're here to cause wheel trouble!

Mason: (eye rolls) Not much you can do here!

Hubcap: We can wreck the place!

Eco and Lilac: (walks over joining Mason)

Dwayne: Hi pups!

Eco and Lilac: Hi!

Gasket: Hubcap, why are we doing this anyway? Mason treats us pretty well?

Hubcap: I'm in charge and you have to follow me!

Gasket: (eye rolls)

Dwayne: (looks over finding the Magic Paw Restaurant) Mason, what's that place?

Mason: Just the Magic Paw Restaurant!

Hubcap: Restaurant, eh? Sounds like a good place to cause wheel trouble! (stomach growls) And maybe for lunch?

Dwayne: (cheers) Yay lunch! (drives toward it on his motorcycle taking Hubcap with him)

Hubcap: (surprised) Whoa!

Gasket: You guys go ahead, I'll just wait here for now!

Mason: (walks over petting Gasket) Need a break from them?

Gasket: Just Hubcap! He gets so annoying sometimes! (curiously looks at the new platform) What's with the new platform?

Mason: My elemental brawler buddies just sent over a new Magic Paw Mechanical Engineering/Reformatting Platform!

Gasket: Not a recycling one?

Mason: Not quite! This one is like a magical workshop but you need a member of Eco's family or a special tablet!

Gasket: (shyly) Would it be okay to show me?

Mason: I guess there's no harm in showing you Gasket, just don't try anything to cause trouble!

(the both walk over to the platform followed by Lilac and Eco)

Mason: (pulls a battle dome master control tablet out of his satchel) This new magical platform can add new things to something on the platform, combine multiple things into a brand new one, etc.

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