Aqua Pups: Muted Mer-Pups

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(scene opens to Puplantis where an annoyed Moby is watching from nearby in his Moby Mobile while McSquidly play shells like drums to play along)

Moby: (sighs) How I wish there was a way to stop all that singing and dancing!

(a dirt covered amulet rolls past his parked Moby Mobile)

Moby: (surprised) Huh? (activates diving suit and exits his vehicle) What's this? (uses grabbers to pick it up) (confusedly looks at it) McSquidly, can you tell what this thing is?

McSquidly: (shrugs)

Moby: (shrugs) How about we head back to the island and see!

(both get into the Moby Mobile and depart)

(scene changes to the twosome on Junk Island where Moby wipes the dirt off the objects he found)

Moby: Hm? Seems like some medal? (puts it on) Hm? Very nice! (getting ready to sneeze) (sneezes upward) Achoo! (does a sonic howl toward the empty sky)

Moby and McSquidly: (surprised expression)

Moby: Whoa! How'd that happen!

McSquidly: (points to the amulet)

Moby: (unsure) You think so?

McSquidly: (shrugs not knowing at all)

Moby: Hm? (has an idea) Well there's a pup I know who might have an idea!

(scene changes to Hex wearing a Magic Pup Reversal+Unfusion Amulet as she walks through Foggy Bottom)

Hex: Feels nice being a normal pup in a calm place!

Moby's voice: (shouts) Hex!

Hex: (surprised) Moby?

Moby: (arrives parking his Moby Mobile nearby) I found you!

Hex: Hi guys! Is something up?

Moby: (walks over) We found this medal underwater!

Hex: (looks closer) That's an amulet!

Moby: Amulet?

Hex: (raises the one she's wearing) Looks like a magic pup amulet but this is a new one?

Moby: So you partially know what it is?

Hex: It's a type of magic pup amulet, but I'm not sure what it is! (notices it's just one) Well it must be a new kind since it's not a combo amulet!

Moby: Combo?

Hex: Some can be combined which turns both or more into a different one, but when separated they instantly revert to normal but it's repeatable as many times as anybody would like!

Moby: Wow! (curiously) What are you wearing?

Hex: Oh, this one's a Magic Pup Reversal+Unfusion Amulet! I decided to try being a normal pup!

Moby: (surprised) Hold on, you don't have your powers?

Hex: (takes off her amulet and regains her powers instantly) Just has to be on around my neck or something like that! It's quite magical, it can reverse and unfuse things along with other stuff!

Moby: So what do you know what kind of power this has?

Hex: Hm? Not sure, anything happened after you put it on?

Moby: When I sneezed it was super loud and also it feels like I can hear things from far away like their nearby!

Hex: Hm? Would you say the sneeze was like a sonic howl?

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