Magic Paw Tales: New Cari Pups

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(scene open to show Mason relaxing on the beach with the Siren/Cari pup sisters known as Mari, Anna, Polyp, and Algae)

Mari: (touched) Thanks for letting us join you Mason!

Mason: No problem girls!

(a pillar of water gushes out of the bay and lands near the five before two pup gods emerge once it ends)

Mari, Anna, Polyp, and Algae: (gasps) (happily) Mommy, daddy! (eagerly rush over to affectionately hug both of them)

Mason: (notices) Ridge and Pup Goddess of the Sea, it's been awhile

Pup Goddess of the Sea: (giggles) It's great seeing you again Mason!

Ridge: Yeah! Been awhile!

Mason: (pets both pups) Something up?

Ridge: My friend, we caught wind of a new magic pup creation scroll and thought you should know!

Mason: (curiously) Which one?

Pup Goddess of the Sea: (looks at her daughters) Cari pups! But not hybrids created by petrified darkness like our little girls! (nuzzle her pups)

Mari: I'm just glad we're not corrupted but still have access to our Cari pup forms!

Mason: While my friends made sure it won't work on other siren pups!

Ridge: Which is a sweet thing!

Pup Goddess of the Sea: But we need help getting the new scroll then making sure it's with the rest!

Mason: Sure!

(scene changes to the five siren pups in siren pup form underwater while Pup Goddess of the Sea has done the same while Mason follows using dragonfish powers)

Ridge: We appreciate the help Mason!

Mason: No sweat! (curiously) Why do you need me?

(the group arrives at a cave guarded by a overly massive octopus)

Mason: Oh! Sea monster trouble!

Ridge: Yep!

Octopus: (ensures all of them)

Ridge: Let us go to the beast of the sea!

Mason: (whistles) Ocean! Here girl!

(a massive sperm whale arrives without warning then devours the massive octopus but nothing else)

Pup Goddess of the Sea: My word!

(the massive sperm whale reverts into Ocean the genie pup who gained an enlarged stomach)

Ocean: Thanks for inviting me to the octopus buffet Mason!

Mason: We appreciate the help, Ocean!

Pup Goddess of the Sea: (curiously) Would you like to join us?

Ocean: Sure! I'd be happy to assist dear, I overheard from my family that your a pup god while you love is both a pup god and siren pup!

Pup Goddess of the Sea: (nuzzles Ridge) Even pup gods seek love from time to time or just for a thrill!

Ocean: (nods understandingly)

(scene change to the group entering the cave where Mason lights the way with his dragonfish powers)

(the group find a treasure chest and work together to bring it to shore only to find it's now night time)

Pup Goddess of the Sea: Let's open it up!

Ridge: I agree with my love!

Mason: (deactivates dragonfish powers) I can open it! (does a karate chop open the chest with ease since there was no key)

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