Mighty Pups vs the Mighty Moto King

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(scene opens to the Magic Paw Recycling Center/Scrapyard where Mason is with new helpers which he recently created while Willow, Hex, and Venus are watching nearby)

Mason: It'll be nice to try out these new mulcher/woodchipper/composter bin helpers!

Hex: And in six colors thus far along with three additional recycler bin helpers!

Eco: (walks over with Lilac) Very impressive! Also my three other pups are relaxing on your beach back home!

Mason: Nothing wrong with that!

Lilac: (curiously) So about that odd looking one that was also mass produced?

Mason: Oh! This new one is the mighty meteor/crystal chest trainer/helper!

Eco: And it has alternate feet, very interesting?

Lilac: Yep!

(Mason explains about the mighty meteor/crystal chest trainer/helper)

Venus: Very impressive!

Hex: Yeah! And a way to dispose of meteor pieces and crystals or to create them!

Mason: (nods) Yep! And a good helper for training and sparring!

Hex: Cool!

Sound: (vehicles parking)

Ryder's voice: Mason, mind if we come in?

Mason: Sure Ryder!

(Ryder and the pups including Everest, Liberty, and Junior Patrollers enter)

Mason: Hi guys!

Ryder: Hi Mason! (looks around) I see there's quite a lot of parts around here!

Mason: From my elemental brawler associates and some from other worlds that they sent over!

Ryder: Very interesting! Also we wanted to see if you wanted to join us checking out the crown with a meteor crystal in the museum! The Princess of Barkingburg and her group are also coming over too!

Mason: Sounds nice! I guess I can join you!

Hex: I'll come too!

Venus and Willow: We'll head back to Magic Paw Inn/Arena!

Everest: Cool!

Lilac and Eco: We'll stick around to help out the helpers!

Marshall: (points at a red mulcher/woodchipper/composter bin helper) What's that one?

Mason: It's one of the new mulcher/woodchipper/composter bin helpers!

Everest: So it's a combination of a mulcher,woodchipper, and composter?
Mason: More or less!

Chase: What about that new one with four arms?

Mason: It's called the mighty meteor/crystal chest trainer/helper!

Marshall: What's it, do? (trips on a brick) Whoa! (crashes into the mighty meteor/crystal chest trainer/helper) Oof! I'm okay!

Mason: (picks up the brick) You okay buddy?

Marshall: This helper broke my fall!

Mighty meteor/crystal chest trainer/helper: (raises a one of its finger confirming it's okay)

Mason: The helper said it's okay too!

Marshall: Sorry helper!

Mighty meteor/crystal chest trainer/helper: (gently pets Marshall)

Mason: It said everything's okay and that it can easily handle an accidental crash!

(the mighty meteor/crystal chest trainer/helper points a finger at Rocky)

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