Mission Paw: Petrified Luke Stars

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(scene opens to Barkingburg where a group of four similar looking six legged pups are heading toward Barkingburg castle)

Leading Pup: Come along Carmen, Cyan, and Lilac

Carmen, Cyan, and Lilac: Okay Goldie! (giggles) We mean mom!

The foursome scale the walls and enter the castle through an open window)

Goldie's voice: This should make a decent shelter for awhile so we can rest!

(the next morning)

Luke Stars: (walking into the castle) (singing It's so great to be back in Barkingburg!

Princess of Barkingburg: (squeals with joy) Luke Stars! It's a honor to have you back in Barkingburg

Luke Stars: Great seeing you too princess! (notices Sweetie) Uh?

Sweetie: Do calm down, after last time I've got no intention to take the stage or that microphone! Besides, I already know if I try the Paw Patrol will come in their Mission Paw gear and stop me!

Luke Stars: We'll at least it won't be like last time! (enters and is greeted by the Earl of Barkingburg)

Luke Stars: So great seeing you again Luke Stars!

(a portal opens nearby and Mayor Goodway wearing the Golden Tiger Claws while holding Chickaletta leap though)

(Mason, Melody, and Mirage leap through before the portal closes)

Melody: I never should've told her!

Princess of Barkingburg: (surprised) Mason, Melody, Mirage, Mayor Goodway, Chickaletta, what brings you to Barkingburg?

Mayor Goodway: Chickaletta and I came to see Luke Stars!

Mason: (crosses arms and glares at Mayor Goodway) Says the lady who took the Golden Tiger Claws while I was wearing them!

Princess of Barkingburg: (surprised gasps) Mayor Goodway, did you really do that?

Melody: I talked about the concert to the Paw Patrol and Mayor Goodway was a little too eager to get here!

Mayor Goodway: (returns the Golden Tiger Claws to Mason) Sorry Mason, I really wanted to get her fast!

Mason: (eye rolls) Next time just remember to ask!

(Mayor Goodway's phone rings)

Mayor Goodway: (answers) Hello? Oh Ryder!

Ryder: Are you guys okay?

Mayor Goodway: Chickaletta and I are safely in Barkingburg with Mason, Melody, and Mirage! My bad for getting over excited!

Ryder: Did you have to take the Golden Tiger Claws from Mason without even asking first?

Mayor Goodway: (embarrassed) Not my best moment!

Mason: I've got the Golden Tiger Claws back so it's all good now!

Ryder: Good to hear! We'll be over too!

Rubble: (eagerly) Oh boy, We're gonna see Luke Stars!

Sweetie: (chill goes down her spine) (shivers)

Princess of Barkingburg: (concerned) Sweetie, is something wrong?

Sweetie: (unsure) I just feel like something is looking at me!

(a shadowy pup figure slowly walks away unnoticed)

Princess of Barkingburg: (looks around) I don't see anything, Sweetie!

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