Paw Patrol: Gasket's Mountain

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(scene opens to the Ruff-Ruff Pack being chased out of Adventure Bay by the Moto Pups)

Mayor Goodway: And stay away from the Chickaletta statue!

Wild: Wait, why'd they go near it?

Hubcap: You may have ruined my idea of having a gold statue of myself, but we'll be back! Let's go Dwayne!

(Dwayne and Hubcap race off)

Gasket: (looks back at the golden statue) Hm? A statue of myself? Not a bad idea! (drives off)

(scene changes to Mason and Melody finished creating a brand new duplication patch)

Mason: I'd say we did good, Melody! (sends the patch away to be magically mass produced)

Melody: Aww, thanks Mason! I have to admit this new duplication patch we made is quite interesting!

Mason: (nods) Just like the duplication bracelet and belts!

Melody: (smiles and nods) Yep!

Mirage: (walks over) Nice teamwork mom and Mason!

Gasket's voice: Is anybody here?

Mason: In here Gasket!

Gasket: (walks over) Mason! It's great to see you and my genie pup pals!

Mirage: (rushes over hugging Gasket) Great seeing you Gasket!

Gasket: (smiles) Great seeing you too, Mirage!

Mason: So what brings you here?

Gasket: (shyly) I kinda had the idea of making a statue after Hubcap talked about making the chicken one into himself!

Mason: You need help making one?

Gasket: (nods) Do you also know where I can get an untouched mountain)

Mason: Sure! I know how to provide you with a mountain easily! But why?

Gasket: I would like to make a massive statue of myself! Calling or renaming it mount Gasket!

Mason: Very creative! But I could shorten your work load!

Gasket: (curiously) How?

Mason: (pulls a life sized mold of Gasket and a big funnel) These will help!

Gasket: (surprised) You have a life sized mold of me?

Mason: Elemental brawlers can supply anything imaginable! Plus I just need a rock and a Miniaturizer duplicate! Speaking of duplicates, some friends made this! (reveals the duplication patch) A duplication patch!

Gasket: (intrigued) Ooh! Like those belts and bracelets?

Mason: (nods) But this one can become part of the user and can be removed at any time!

Gasket: Wow!

Mason: (realizes) I also need to get something to liquefy then solidify the rock into the shape of you!

(minutes later)

(Mason arrives carrying the State-of-the-Matter Transfer Device and Molecular Separator)

Gasket: Oh?

Mason: I got it!

Mirage: (confused) Mason, I understand the smoothie maker but why did you bring the splitter?

Gasket: Splitter? Smoothie Maker?

Mason: Wanna see?

Gasket: Sure!

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