Paw Patrol: Cthulhu Pups Surfacing

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(scene opens to the bottom of the sea revealing Moby & McSquidly stuck in the Moby Mobile while Hex is beside them on the outside of the vessel)

Moby: (sighs) I can't believe we're stuck here!

Hex: Be glad I enchanted your ride to endure the depth at least until you back on the surface!

Moby: Thank you for doing that Hex, I thought we'd find good parts this deep!

Hex: You'd find deep sea life, whale falls, etc.!

Moby: Hold on what was the second one?

Hex: Whale falls?

Moby: (nods) What are those?

Hex: Just when a wall dies they sink and might wind up down here! (looks over finding one) Like that one! (points to it)

Moby: (notices) (shivers) Spooky!

Hex: Fair enough! (looks around) It is kinda spooky down here!

(green tentacles appear grabbing the whale fall pulling into the darkness)

Moby: (worried) What was that?

Hex: (unsure) I'm not sure! (worried) I hope they don't hunt magic pups! (nervous gulp)

Moby: (worried) Or Mer-pups and squids!

Sound: (chewing)

Moby: What's that sound?

Hex: Sounds like something chewing! Must be the whale fall being eaten! (worried) I hope!

(the slightly eaten whale fall is put back having lost some meat after being pulled away)

Hex: Must've had enough whale fall and now coming for us!

(five different colored glowing eyes approach them)

Moby: (scared screams) Don't eat us!

Female voice: Why would we do something like that, we're not cruel monsters!

Hex: Who's there?

(the purple eyes come toward the lit area revealing to be a creature that looks like a mixture of dragon and kraken pup)

Hex: Who or what are you?

Unknown female pup: Pardon me sweeties, we didn't mean to scare you! I'm Plum and this is my family Cherry, Delta, Daisy, and my husband Rusty! (the other four swim over to the lit area)

Moby: What kind of pup are you?

Plum: (nervously) Um?

Hex: (concerned) You okay Plum?

Plum: (sighs) We're Cthulhu pups, the last of our kind since the others were hunted to extinction since people feared us!

Hex and Moby: (shocked gasps) How come?

Plum: (sighs) We're able to control the minds of others temporarily or long as we'd like with no harm!

Hex: (shrugs) I've got no problem with mind controlling since a friend told me that magic pups were just impossible to mind control and those reinforced by the elemental brawlers are basically impossible!

Moby: Wait, you can control others?

Plum: (shyly nods) We're also telepathic and we perfect using it to read minds which helps us hunt!

Moby: (worried) (hugs McSquidly) Hunt what?

Rusty: (chuckles) We're like normal pups but also scavenge any food sources we can find!

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