Paw Patrol: Gasket's Crafted Hockey Team

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(scene opens to Mason with Mirage and Sandy who watch their own as he uses his powers to create a brand new medallion)

Mason: Presenting the Mind Magic Medallion!

Sandy: That stuff from Skylanders, right?

Mason: Yep! Gives the using Mind Magic along if used by elemental brawlers or a mature magic pups it can undo the damage and creatures created by its powers!

Sandy: Wow!

Mirage: Good call! (curiously) Why not have some fun with it in an arena?

Mason: Not a bad idea girls, let's have a little fun!

Sandy: Definitely!

(scene changes to a Magic Paw Inn/Arena between Adventure Bay and Foggy Bottom in the arena)

Silhouette: (walks over) Hi guys, what brings you here?

Mirage: Just wanna play with a new Mind Magic Medallion the elemental brawlers made!

Silhouette: Mind Magic? That power that can alter reality and bring your imagination to life?

Mason: (nods) No worries, a fail safe was included just in case to undo the effects in seconds!

Silhouette: Good call! (shyly) Any chance we could create our own Imaginator fighters?

Mason: Sure! Also upon defeat the Imaginators or creatures summoned by this medallion vanish especially if they come from Skylands!

(scene changes to Gasket arriving at the Magic Paw Inn/Arena complaining to herself about how Mayor Goodway is bragging about her hockey team while she watched from afar)

Gasket: If I had my own hockey team, we'd show that Goodway a thing or two! (sighs) Unfortunately, even I know the Ruff-Ruff Pack is now good at hockey either! (looks around) Say, where's everybody?

(an Earth Geargolem marches past Gasket to the elevator)

Gasket: Please keep open the elevator door! (runs over and joins the Earth Geargolem in the elevator) (shyly) Are you headed to the arena area by any chance?

Earth Geargolem: (nods)

Gasket: Just checking!

(the twosome arrive then part ways)

Gasket: Thank you for keeping the elevator doors open so I could join!

Female voice: Megaton punch!

Gasket: (looks in the arena finding not even knowing she was looking at a male tiger, snake, and lionfish magic swashbuckler fighting against a female dalmation/gorilla earth brawler) (surprised) Whoa! What are those things?

Sandy: Come on girl, you can beat that swashbuckler!

Mirage: Come on boy, slice and dice that brawler!

Gasket: (notices Mirage and Sandy while Mason is watching the fight with Silhouette) What's going on around here?

(Gasket walks over to them)

Gasket: Guys?

Mirage and Sandy: (surprised) Gasket, what are you doing here!?

Gasket: Nobody was upstairs so I followed some silent metallic brute down here, mind explaining what's going on?

Mirage: Okay, we were both just playing around with a new elemental brawler magic object! (reveals a Mind Magic Medallion) It's called the Mind Magic Medallion and let's just say it helped us bring these fighters to life!

Gasket: Whoa! That's some powerful stuff!

Sandy: (whispers) The elemental brawlers have things that can... let's just say they're beyond powerful!

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