Paw Patrol: The Djinni Pup Mother and Daughter

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(scene opens to a river outside where Mason is busy searching underwater in his alligator suit while Ocean Lily, Mirage, and Melody relax nearby)

Mirage: So mom, what is Mason looking for again?

Melody: A friend told him that something from another world appeared in this river without warning, but nobody knows for sure!

Mason: (emerges from the river holding two lamps in his alligator suit) Found something!

Mirage: What'd you find Mason?

Mason: (walks onto the shore) Not sure? Looks like genie lamps or something like that?

Melody: Odd, we use bottles?

Mason: Maybe it's something different?

Mirage: Let's check!

Mason: (deactivates alligator powers) (rubs the golden lamp) (causing mist to appear)

(a husky magically appears) 

Husky: (stretches) Finally free of that pesky lamp after these eons!

Mason: Who and what are you?

Husky: (looks around) Oh! This isn't the desert? Must've been that big bang I heard!

Mason: (gently places hand on her head)

Husky: (eyes widen) Wait, this is a different universe!?

Mason: (nods) (calmly) So who are you girl?

Husky: I'm Flare the Djinni Pup! (looks around) (worried) Where's my baby girl, Ember?

Mason: (reveals the other lamp) This one!

Flare: My baby girl!

Mason: (rubs the other lamp freeing Ember)

Ember: (stretches) Finally out of there! (notices Flare) Mommy! (hugs Flare) I thought I'd never see you again!

Mason: Mind if we talk later at my place?

Flare and Ember: Sure!

(scene changes to Ember and Flare being examined in Mason's archipelago universe)

Flare: Nice place you got her Mason!

Mason: Thanks!

Savvy: (examining both Djinni Pups) Very interesting!

Mason: What is it sweetie?

Savvy: The Djinni Pups are related to genie and ifrit pups, they've got a similar biology to them

Flare: Sounds about right! (now juggling a few fire balls) We've masters of an element of nature and magic!

Mason: Pardon me, but do you grant wishes?

Flare: Yep! Like the others we do three wishes a day!

Mason: So it's possible to wish you both free?

Ember: You would do that?

Mason: I'd be happy to let you be free pups!

Flare: (realizes) Wait, I found this back home! (teleports back into her lamp and comes back with a scroll) Would you like this thing?

Mason: (reads the scroll) You found a scroll to make your kind!

Flare: So that's what it is!

Mason: Just curious but can you make duplicates of your lamps?

Flare: Hm? We never tried! (does just that) Wow! It worked!

Mason: (enchanted their lamps) I've reinforced your original lamps so they can never be destroyed!

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