Paw Patrol: Rumbletop's Cherufe Pup Residents

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(scene opens to Volcano Island where Mason has arrived by himself and heads to the top of the volcano by doing a super jump while nobody is around to see it)

Mason: I wonder if this is the volcano where Oracle said I could find the Cherufe pup creation recipe scroll that was magically transported into this universe since last week?

Male voice: Need a paw?

Mason: (looks back to find Volcano) Good to see you Volcano! I could actually use a hand finding the Cherufe pup creation recipe scroll!

Volcano: Sure! Seems perfect for a fiery pup like myself!

Mason: Thanks buddy! (kicks a nearby rock finding a scroll under it) Okay, that was just sheer luck! (checks the scroll discovering it's the Cherufe pup creation recipe scroll) Yes!

Volcano: (chuckles) I presume you found the Cherufe pup creation recipe scroll?
Mason: Yep! (shows the scroll to Volcano)

Volcano: Hm? Unfortunately, there aren't any Cherufe pups in this world!

Mason: That we know about, there could be some if this scroll was transported into this world!

Volcano: (nods) Fair point!

Mason: Let's get this special scroll mass produced like the rest before something happens to it!

Volcano: Good call!

(both teleport away without anyone even knowing)

(scene changes to the Lookout where Everest arrives and is welcomed by Ryder and the pups)

Pups and Ryder: Everest!

Everest: Hi pups, Ryder!

Skye: It's great to see you!

Everest: You too Skye!

Marshall: It feels like today is gonna be great!

Sound: (footsteps approaching)

Chase: Anyone else hear footsteps?

(a twelve foot tall lizard creature approaches Ryder from behind)

Rubble: (notices) (screams) Real lizard man!

Ryder: Rubble, there's no such thing as lizard men!

Rubble: Tell that to the one behind you, Ryder!

Ryder: (looks back and gasps in shock) A real lizard man!

Volcano: (walks out from behind the creature) Cherufe to be exact and one other thing!

Ryder and Pups: (surprised) Volcano!

Cherufe: (reveals to have the Moby Morpher) Moby Morpher!

(the Cherufe reverts back into Mason who then puts the Moby Morpher back into his satchel)

Mason: Hi Ryder, pups, just making an entrance!

Rubble: Phew! I mean... I knew it was Mason the whole time!

Ryder: Okay, that was pretty convincing Mason!

Marshall: What was with the lizard creature thing?

Mason: Just for fun and on the trail of something! (reveals the Cherufe pup creation recipe scroll) Volcano and I found this! A friend told me it was transported into this universe through unknown means and we found it by luck

Volcano: He found it under the first rock he kicked!

Mason: I was bored when I did it!

Everest: Whoa! This certainly is an interesting scroll!

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