Paw Patrol: Meeting the Troll Pups

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(scene opens to show Traveling Travis in his hot air balloon which is flying over the ocean)
Travis: Such a lovely day for exploring and discovering in my hot air balloon!

(Mason in a flying fish suit glides alongside Travis low flying balloon)

Mason: Hey Travis!

Travis: (notices) (surprised) Whoa! I've found a new kind of creature and it talks!

Mason: (eye rolls) Travis, it's me Mason! Also flying fish have already been discovered!

Travis: Oh! Sorry about that Mason!

Mason: All good! So just exploring?

Travis: I sure am, Mason!

Mason: (nods) Sounds good!

Travis: (looks ahead seeing an island) Land ho!

Mason: (notices) Interesting?

(a pair of spears with vines are thrown)

Mason: (eyes widen) Spears! (shouts) Lookout!

Travis: (notices) (shocked gasps)

(Travis then immediately ducks to avoid a spear while Mason dives to dodge the other one)

Travis: Phew! Thanks for the warning!

(a third spear with a vine around it it thrown and punches the balloon)

Travis: (notices) Oh no! My balloon's been hit!

(the two previous spears are swiftly pulled back to the distant island)

Mason: It's possible there are one, two, or even three people or creatures on that island!

Travis: (worried) If they're throwing stuff at us, they might not be friendly!

Mason: Or they could be threatened!

Travis: Oh! Didn't think about that!

(the same two spears are thrown but this time they strike the fins of Mason's flying fish suit that let him glide)

Mason: (notices) Uh oh!

(both of them get pulled onto the island against their will)

(scene changes to the twosome being brought onto the island)

Travis: Whoa! I don't think anyone has been on this island!

(three pups with furry vests made from animal hides and each two long teeth protruding from their mouths reveal themselves)

Travis: (notices one similar to Rocky's breed) Rocky, you sure have changed?

Male pup: (confused expression)

Mason: (deactivates flying fish powers) Should be fixed next time I activate that power!

Three pups: (surprised gasps)

Mason: (to pups) Travis here just mistook you for someone else, boy!

Male Pup: (nods)

Mason: (looks at the trio and takes a lucky guess) I'm guessing you're a mother, father, and their daughter?

Older female pup: (nods) (secretly bluffing) We are troll pups, you are our dinner!

Travis: Aww, how nice!

Mason: (nudges Travis) They mean they're eating us!

Travis: (shocked gasps) What!?

Young female pup: Yep! We go for any food we can find!

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