Paw Patrol: The Return of Terra's Father

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(scene opens to Mason's realm in the undead universe where he's with Terra and Quicksand)

Quicksand: Mason, thank you for agreeing to help me find my husband!

Mason: No offense, but I had no idea you had one!

Quicksand: (shrugs) None taken! But I would love to see my unnamed husband again!

Terra: We're coming dad!

(Mason opens the rift leading to the magic pup afterlife before the trio enter)

Quicksand and Terra: Wow!

Mason: (loud whistles) Male husky golem pups spirits, could we please speak with you?

(over a few dozen spirits of deceased male husky golem pups approach the group)

Mason: (calmly) I know you guys don't exactly have names, excluding these two who go by Quicksand and Terra!

Male husky golem pups spirits: (impressed) Very creative!

Quicksand: (calmly) Sweetie, are you among these boys?

One golem pup: (surprised) My love?

Quicksand: (looks over to a husky with blue eyes and fur similar to her own) My love?

One golem pup: (walks over passionately kissing Quicksand)

Terra: (upset) Hey! Don't you dare kiss my mom... (looks closer) (surprised) Daddy?

One golem pup: (looks at Terra and smiles) My baby girl! (hugs Terra embracing her along with Quicksand) (sniffles) My beloved wife and baby girl!

Male husky golem pups spirits: (in awe) Aww, that's so sweet!

One golem pup: What brings you both here? (shocked) Are you dead? (looks at Quicksand) Are you dead again?

Quicksand: I was revived by Mason to be with our daughter, my apologies for forgetting to mention you sweetie!

One golem pup: (chuckles) It's all good sweetie, I would've forgotten myself too!

Quicksand: (smiles at him) I've missed you all this time!

Mason: I was just curious but how do you like the name, Terrain?

One golem pup: (intrigued) Hm? Terrain? (chuckles) I like it! Terrain sounds just right for me!

Mason: (chuckles) It suits you nicely boy! Let's get you revived!

Terrain: (to other male husky golem pups spirits) Until we meet again my friends!

Male husky golem pups spirits: (smiles and nods to Terrain)

(scene changes to Mason reviving Terrain resulting in him being in his inactive form)

Terra: Here we go again!

Quicksand: (nods)

Mason: (nods) Yep! (uses a drop of elemental energy to bring Terrain to life)

Terrain: (active) Wow! That's quite a source of power!

Mason: (whispers other benefits he can provide to Terrain)

Terrain: (chuckles) Sounds like a great offer to me, plus I get to be with my wife Quicksand and our baby girl Terra!

(Quicksand and Terra affectionately hug Terrain)

Mason: (to self) Hm? I wonder how things are in Adventure Bay?

(scene changes to the woods where Otis Goodway and his beaver buddies looking for gold before being joined by Mayor Goodway and Chickaletta)

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