Paw Patrol: The Previous Captain of the Genie Pup Guard

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(previously on Mighty Pups vs Harold's Mighty Autogyro opens to reveal Mason, Angel, Melody, and Hydro calmly leaving the magic pup afterlife realm)

Hydro: (sighs) He wasn't there!

Melody: Don't worry Hydro, we'll find him!

Angel: But it was nice seeing grandma again!

Mason: (nods)

Angel: (to Hydro) I never did mention that Tide was the captain of the genie pup guard before nobody rose up, that was you were given that honor by my baby girl!

Melody: (blushes) (embarrassed) Mother!

Hydro: (surprised) Dad was?

Angel: (nods) One of the best I've known, you would make him proud knowing his eldest son was given this honor by my eldest daughter!

Hydro: (touched) Thanks Angel!

Angel: (nods understandingly)

Mason: I'll see if my living storm buddies can lend a hand searching the oceans in Paw Patrol!

Angel: Hold on Mason, what about your daughter... Oracle?

Mason: Hm? It's possible my daughter might be able to help find him!

Hydro: Onward to Mason's family member, Oracle!

(the group teleports away)

(scene changes to underwater in the ocean where Sid and Arrby are searching around for treasure in their submarine)

Sid: Arr! There has to be something I need, need, need!

Arrby: Aye Sid! (looks over) Hey look, there's a sunken ship!

Sid: Arr! Let's check it out matey! But if there's another giant sea slug inside then we're staying away!

Arrby: Aye! Last time that giant sea slug wasn't very happy with what we did!

Sid: (nods) Aye!

(Sid sails his sub over to the sunken ship)

Arrby: (notices a symbol that Mirage once showed him in a book) Hm?

Sid: Something wrong Arrby?

Arrby: I think Mirage showed me that symbol before! (points at it)

Sid: Something special about it?

Arrby: (remembers) She called it the mark of the genie pup queen|king!

Sid: (surprised) Wait, that's a genie pup ship!

Arrby: It just might be Sid!

Sid: Hm? We're both going on board!

Arrby: (surprised) Both?

Sid: Aye! I'm joining you, who knows what kind of treasures might be aboard!

Arrby: Won't that belong to Mirage's family?

Sid: (shrugs) If we run into them, then I've got no trouble with returning it! They're a fun bunch to spend time with!

Arrby: Aye!

(scene changes to Sid and Arrby in diving suits as they swim through a large hole in the hull and arrive below deck)

Sid: (looks around) Arr! Nothing to find around here?

Arrby: (looks over a finding a pup) (surprised) Whoa!

Sid: What is it matey? (notices) (surprised) Whoa! A pup!

Arrby: (swims over) Looks like he's been down here for years!

Sid: Aye! He does look like a male! Seems like his outfit has been torn apart by time and water!

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