Paw Patrol: The Dryad Pup Queen and Her Daughters

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(scene opens to the jungle where The Cheetah and Mayor Humdinger are at with a big purple bulldozer)

Mayor Humdinger: (unsure) Cousin Cheetah, are you about this?

The Cheetah: Of course I'm sure cousin Humdinger, besides since I lost my Cheetah Patroller a bulldozer is just as good to tear down their annoying jungle so I can build my Cheetah International Raceway!

Mayor Humdinger: It's Paw Patroller, not Cheetah Patroller cousin!

The Cheetah: Who cares! It was mine until it went into that quicksand!

Mayor Humdinger: (looks around) (concerned) Cousin, do you feel like we're being watched?

The Cheetah: (scoffs) Why does it feel like that cousin?

Mayor Humdinger: (worried) I just feel like something's lurking in the jungle waiting to strike

The Cheetah: (scoffs) Calm down, not like there's much in the jungle a bulldozer can't handle except maybe an elephant!

Sound: (roar)

(a big beastly figure emerges from the brush)

The Cheetah and Mayor Humdinger: (shocked gasps)

The Cheetah: Okay, maybe you were right about something lurking in the jungle cousin!

Beast figure: I am the Dryad Jungle Beast, who dares threaten the jungle!? (growls)

Mayor Humdinger and The Cheetah: We were just leaving! (fearfully run away while screaming) Jungle monster!

Dryad Jungle Beast: (makes sure nobody is looking) (female voice) (calmly) Okay my beloved daughters, we scared them away!

(the Dryad Jungle Beast comes apart revealing to be a green mother husky with eight pups along with plant life on them too)

Mother Husky: I, Dryad pup queen Evergreen and my eight daughters Maple, Palm, Pansy, Lily, Fern, Bayberry, Strawberry, and Petunia will do our best to keep nature safe!

Maple: (sighs) Too bad it's only the nine of us left!

Evergreen: (hugs her daughters) I know my beloved princesses, but I'm happy that all nine of us are together!

(all nine happily nuzzle each other)

Fern: What about that bulldozer mom?

Evergreen: (unsure) I'm not actually sure to be honest?

The Cheetah's voice: Cousin, we're getting that bulldozer back!

Evergreen: Uh oh! Come on girls! (leads her family into the jungle flora)

The Cheetah and Mayor Humdinger: (arrives) Phew! It left!

Mayor Humdinger: Let's get this bulldozer and get outta here, I want my deposit back!

The Cheetah: Agreed!

(the twosome drive off in their bulldozer to sell it back to buyer)

Evergreen: Well that went nicely!

Evergreen's pups: Agreed!

(scene changes to Mayor Humdinger and The Cheetah on the kitty carrier going past Mr. Porter's cafe)

Ryder: (walks over) Hi Mayor Humdinger, seems like you two are in a rush?

Mayor Humdinger: Okay! I admit it! We were up to no good in the jungle until something calling itself a Dryad Jungle Beast showed up and scared us away!

The Cheetah: We're just lucky it didn't destroy the bulldozer we bought then just returned!

Ryder: Race track I assume?

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