Big Truck Pups: Ruff-Ruff Super Ride

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(scene opens to the Magic Paw Recycling Center/Scrapyard which is near the Magic Paw Inn/Arena revealing Mason showing off three new objects to Eco and her pups)

Mason: Thanks for coming pups!

Eco: I'm quite curious to see your latest creations!

Mason: (steps aside) Introducing the helper chest suit, super helper chest suit, and magic paw super recycler/reformating platform!

Lilac: Those suits look kinda like our other forms?

Mason: Let's just say it can turn the wearing into something similar to you pups!

Eco: Very interesting, do you think we could wear them too?

Mason: (nods) They also provide life support in places like very deep sea, outer space, etc. for normal folks!

Lilac: Cool! Now about the platform?

Mason: I realize the super recycler factory helpers can move huge vehicles like cargo ships, big rigs, cargo planes, etc. unless they're teleported inside!

Lilac: Fair point!

Mason: I also enabled the battle dome master control tablets to help here too!

Eco: So we can enjoy our sentinel pup forms!

Mason: (smiles and nods) A way to let you pups have fun!

Eco: (smiles) How nice!

Lilac: Mason, about the platform?

Mason: It won't affect any living creatures including your alternate forms, I promise you!

Eco: Good to hear!

Debris: (examining the two suits) So how do these work?

Mason: Similar to you pups, but they're like the magic costumes I showed you!

Recee: So our original body will be protected inside while our mind controls it like we're in a different body?

Mason: At least until you exit the body, but it'll keep the wearer protected from anything imaginable, black holes and supernovas included!

Clutter: Cool!

Mason: And the tablet can activate and deactivate different features like the super recycler, compactor, composter, etc. which you five can do in your alternate mode!

Lilac: Did you give our alternate mode teleportation stuff?

Mason: Maybe a little? Like teleporting things in and out of your magical pocket dimensions and teleporting things and yourselves to other locations!

Eco: So you enabled us to access any tools we need for any location and obstacle?

Mason: Maybe a little?

Eco: (smiles) (giggles) Very creative and resourceful!

Lilac: Yeah!

Debris: Mind show us how the platform works?

Mason: Sure! They also have magical pocket dimensions for storing parts but they can be brought out or transferred any time!

Lilac: Good things we can access the junkyard universe and planet back home!

Mason: Yep! (whistles) We need a snowmobile, computer systems, and lots of pogo sticks on the magic paw super recycler/reformating platform, please!

(several super rubbish dumpster helpers march over before unloading a snowmobile, a computer systems, and lots of pogo sticks on the magic paw super recycler/reformating platform)

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