Paw Patrol: Eaten Pies on Pie Swap Day

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(scene opens to Mr. Porter's cafe where Ryder and the pups including Everest are helping Mr. Porter while making pies for Pie Swap Day)

Mr. Porter: Thanks for helping out Ryder and pups!

Ryder: No problem Mr. Porter, we're happy to help!

Mr. Porter: And I'm happy to help you guys with your pies too!

Mirage and Elastica: (enter the cafe) Hi guys!

Marshall: Mirage, Elastica, good seeing you girls!

Everest: Say doesn't Mason usually come with you?

Mirage: (giggles) Let's just say Mason decided to try ensuring a bear does show up!

Ryder: How?

Elastica: (giggles) He just needed his magic satchel and creature power suit!

(scene changes to the woods where a hungry black bear heads toward Adventure Bay)

Black Bear: (licks lips when smelling the pies)

(the black bear walks ahead until seeing Mason wearing a grizzly bear suits up ahead

Mason: (growls like a grizzly bear)

Black Bear: (eyes widen) (runs away the way it came)

Mason: (nods) (reveals the Golden Tiger Claws and Crystal Glasses in his satchel to help him with keeping black bears away best he can)

Sound: (motorcycles)

Mason: Hm?

Three Voices: Ruff Ruff Pack! Ruff Ruff Pack!

Hubcap, Dwayne, and Gasket: (come riding over on their motorcycles) Ruff Ruff Pack!

Hubcap and Dwayne: (notice Mason in a bear suit and assume he's a real bear) (scared screams) Big bear! Let's get outta here!

(Hubcap and Dwayne ride off back to their hideout)

Gasket: (eye rolls) Those cowards! (looks over) Even I saw that symbol on your chest, (embarrassed) after getting a little scared!

Mason: I will admit that I do look intimidating!

Gasket: (curiously) So, any reason why you're wearing a bear suit?

Mason: Grizzly bear suit to be exact! Also just looking like a grizzly bear to keep the black bears away from Adventure Bay so they don't disrupt Pie Swap Day!

Gasket: (curiously) Pie swap day?

Mason: (explains what pie swap day is)

Gasket: Sounds good! (licks lips) In more ways than one!

Mason: Well since you're not a bear you can go through! (remembers) Oh!

Gasket: Something wrong?

Mason: I'm pretty sure something fell out of my satchel during my walk here!

Gasket: What is it?

Mason: It's a handheld ray called the Eat-it-all-inator and just one person using that device could eat all the food at an all-you-can-eat buffet restaurant or two without gaining any weight!

Gasket: (interested) Ooh!

Mason: (realizes) Oops!

Gasket: (raises paw) Mason I promise you that I won't tell anyone, I'll just claim I found it lying on the road for anyone to grab!

Mason: (embarrassed) I really should've paid attention when I tackled!

Gasket: (giggles) Anyways good luck on bear repelling duty!

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